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[Let's Finish] D100 Interesting Things Inside A Dragon's Hoard

This is an old thread of mine from a long time ago that I was hoping could finally be finished. Basically anything that might be in a dragon's hoard, from interesting magic items to things that add a little flavor to the dragon in question a list of what you might find in a dragon's hoard. Original link is here
  1. A poorly sculpted statue of the dragon that apears to be made entirely out of gold except for a few gems for the eyes and other rare and valuable things that represent scales, wings, claws etc. It's about the size of a dog and when examined it appears to be magical in nature. If the dragon is dead it will have wounds resembling any large injurries the dragon has sustained, the gems in the eyes will turn pitch black. If the dragon is alive the statue will have small dents representing any damage resently taken, the gold will aplear to be the color of the dragons scales, and the gems in it's eyes will shile brightly(other effects may also be seen. Such as fuctioning wings and a breath weapon one fourth as powerful as the dragons). (By thestupidone51)
  2. Letters sent by the dragon's former human paramour bound lovingly into a book. (Lysdexic12345)
  3. Various pieces of complex machinery scattered about. The dragon was an amateur tinkerer. (Lysdexic12345)
  4. Four broken dragon eggs, with no baby dragons in sight. Were the eggs 100 years old? 3 days old? Who knows. (Lysdexic12345)
  5. A map to somewhere you don’t recognize. However, it looks very old. On the back is a drawing in crayon of a dragon, presumably the dragon who owns the hoard. When asked, the dragon says it was made by their son. (By malnox)
  6. A tortle’s shell encrusted in gems and precious metals. It belonged to an old noble who was obsessed with jewels and jewellery. He died from heavy metal poisoning... and dragon fire. (By DungeonsNDysenteryDM)
  7. The Ornate Knife of Lavish Excellence- A beautiful, spotless, golden, platinum, and gem encrusted knife. The gems make it uncomfortable to wield, but it looks gorgeous. If the knife gets dirty, it's holder gets -1 to all rolls until properly cleaned for at least 10 minutes, longer if it gets even dirtier. If it continues to get dirtier, the penalty increases to a maximum of, -5. The wielder of the knife also draws hostile attention of any nearby ankhegs, mud mephits, and any variant of earth elementals within a 5 mile radius, if there are any. (By Stolas95)
  8. An old cookbook, either from the nearby destroyed kingdom or a long forgotten civilization. Once translated, there are 50+ recipes of easy weeknight meals for busy serfs. If rolling a high enough investigation, there is also three interesting potion recipes on the last few pages. (By less_hairy_bear)
  9. A golden dragon statue, that when the command word is stated can scout ahead, attack, or take watch. Very shiny, so bad at stealth, attack is a spurt of molten gold equal up to a tenth of the statues mass, after nine or so attacks, the dragon is just the head of the statue which can still talk and observe, but cannot move. (By less_hairy_bear)
  10. Seven large cats, of various colors and temperaments. Whether they be the dragon's pets, or parasites who scrounged on it's scraps I know not. But I am leaning heavily towards the pets. Some have magical collars that makes their jumps farther, or stealth stealthier (By less_hairy_bear)
  11. Large brass or gold telescope that can not only see incredible distances, but can also see through most objects. Provided they aren't over 3 feet thick, when attuned, can also hear over the distance you see, making eavesdropping super easy (By less_hairy_bear)
  12. A giant gold statue of the dragon posing, made by someone who the dragon captured to make it. On the base a message in a language the dragon didn’t speak reads “A smug Asshole” (By Fish_can_Roll76)
  13. An old heavy wooden coin. When flipped (such as to play heads or tails) the symbols indicating the head or the tails change. Different kings and queens feature on the heads side and the tails shifts between various fantastical animals. (By Moss_the_Boar)
  14. A pile of roughly 50 large stones, each about 9 meters tall and weigh 23 metric tons, the dragon stole the fucking Stonehenge (By Jens_Viking)
  15. An oil painting portrait that changes it's subject based on whoever the first person to look at the canvas after the crack of dawn. (By DeathBySuplex)
  16. A splendid magical sword/spear, that appears out of use after inspection : the blade is blunted, jagged and bent. (The dragon used it as a toothpick) (By Lymakk)
  17. Deck of No Things: Just a pack of playing cards. Ordinary playing cards. Missing a 4 of clubs. (By LordSwitchblade)
  18. An ornate box or velvet case of playing cards that looks exactly like the one that holds the Deck of Many Things... which is totally empty. The dragon just liked the container. Somebody else has the deck. (By Ninten_Joe)
  19. A self-playing set of Azad "the most complicated game in the world"; think Jumanji meets the most grognardy game system imaginable. The game itself is sufficiently subtle and complex that a player's tactics reflect their own political and philosophical outlook. Each player must place two or more small items of value, like a copper, silver, gold, platinum piece, on the game board and then say the command word aloud which is "Would you like to play a game?" in Celestial. One piece is for you, and the remaining pieces represent the difficulty level of the opposition. The game features cards, tiles, miniatures, dice, spinners, etc. and the set is very ornate and intricately carved of ivory, jet, alabaster, ebony, jade, and gold inlay. Each loss, the pieces are incorporated into the board, each win and an amount equal to half of what was wagered, plus the original wager appears on the board. The base DC to win a copper wager is DC16. What the players might not realize is that the quality of the item degrades slightly with each win they make, down to minimum value of 100gp, at which point the game resembles a faded cardboard game box. (By MaxSizeIs)
  20. The Oathbone: A dagger made from the fossilized bone of an ancient being. The dagger dates back to the stone age, and you can actually feel it's age by looking at it. ANY being that makes a solemn oath and seals it with blood spilled by the blade is magically forced to keep that oath. They will be physically incapable of backing out of their word, and if it's within their power to do so they will be compelled to complete the oath as it was stated. Only a god or higher being could hope to overcome the influence of the Oathbone, everything else is susceptible to its covenant. (By Kami-Kahzy)
  21. A masterfully well crafted musical box made out of ivory. When the beautiful Ivory box is opened a finely crafted Dragonborn of corresponding color to the dragon twirls with a sword in his hands. The music casts a sleep spell on anyone who hears it. When brought into town the device can be given to its gnomish maker who’ll then reward the party. (By CrusaderKingsNut)
  22. Throughout the encounter, the dragon converses with and makes comments to an unseen entity they address as Rufus. Afterwards, the party finds an empty suit of non-magical armor hidden away in a corner of the hoard. It is on a stand with a plaque that reads "Rufus". (By r13allan)
  23. A small jar of magical boot polish, which will cast "Make Whole" on any worn or damaged boots, as well as a small kit with needle and thread which can magically do the same to clothing. A small pouch of Prestidigitation Powder will clean any item of clothing as well. The whole thing is inside a nondescript wooden case clutched in the arms of a very dead, and very stiff skeleton dressed in a Valet's uniform. A nametag on the uniform reads, "Bentley".(By MaxSizeIs)
  24. A wondrously intricate wooden chair full of brass levers, and gem encrusted knobs. The chair is actually a broom of flight, but more comfortable. (By MaxSizeIs)
  25. A 1 dram vial of liquid computronium. The vial scintillates with brief random pulses of colored light. With study, the pulses can be confirmed to have a pattern that will always be maddeningly elusive. After consumption, the drinker's Intelligence Bonus (for Intelligence Checks only) should be considered +2 higher, permanently. The drinker must, however, succeed on a DC17 Constitution Save or permanently have disadvantage on either Strength or Constitution Saves (Player's Choice). (By MaxSizeIs)
  26. An ornate sarcophagus covered in gems, stones, and precious metals. It is completely melted shut. When finally pried open, a perfectly preserved adventurer corpse on top of a much older skeleton is inside. (By A_Heckin_Goblin)
  27. A gold embossed, jade handled, cold iron seal that weighs 10 pounds. The seal magically changes with each user that holds it, updating the seal into a unique and intricate pictoglyph in an ancient dialect of Celestial or Draconic that, when translated, lists the true and complete identity of the wielder, in so far as an "official and unique" identifier that can never be changed and follows the user through reincarnations. Along with the seal is an ivory urn of a red-carmine colored powder that when combined with the seal and pressed to an object, affixes the object with a permanent arcane mark in the shape of the seal. (By MaxSizeIs)
  28. A Jade cylinder approximately 4 inches in diameter and 10 inches tall, intricately carved with bas relief of the founding of an empire and uncounted multitude of subjects performing all sorts of tasks. The detail work is incredibly minute and seems to change each time the canister is rotated, with the scenes updating "forward" in time if turned clockwise and "backwards" in time if turned counterclockwise. (By MaxSizeIs)
  29. A crystal sphere in which is housed the skull of an evil lich. Four holes have been drilled in the sphere as if they were meant to be used as a bowling ball. The lich's eyes glow when someone holds the sphere. They glow brighter when the sphere is used as a bowling ball. There is no sign of a bowling-alley anywhere nearby. (By MaxSizeIs)
  30. An exquisitely taxidermized Draco-sphinx in a "regal" and "noble" posture with an engraved gold nameplate declaring it to be named: "Lord Fluff-kins Prissyfoot Jenkins Poof-poof Twist-tail IV". It has been placed in a position of prominence. The eyes have been replaced with gigantic, highly faceted, nearly priceless gems of painite that are 10,000 carats each. (By MaxSizeIs)
  31. An entire galleon half buried in coins, evidently snatched from the sea with sailors included by the dragon. (By Lysdexic12345)
  32. A famous statue that was stolen from the town square of a city. (By Lysdexic12345)
  33. The dragon's prized snow globe collection, lovingly cared for and in mint condition. (By Lysdexic12345)
  34. The dragon's automated defense system of 5 mimics disguised as chests mixed among the loot. (By Lysdexic12345)
  35. The hoard is literally inside of a dragon sized swimming pool..... you honestly can't blame the dragon (By Lysdexic12345)
  36. A chest full of toys such as tin soldiers, dolls, etc. All of them are covered in dust and look like they haven’t been touched in years. When asked about it, the dragon will suddenly go all quiet and melancholy and refuse to elaborate further. (Sobek6)
  37. A golden statue of an adventurer, apparently frozen mid conversation. At [insert oddly specific time] every [day/night/second Tuesday] the statue turns into a living adventurer. The adventurer is cursed to exist as a statue, only returning to normal every [insert parameter] for [insert oddly specific amount of time]. The dragon took the statue without knowing of its true nature long ago. They enjoy talking and having tea together whenever possible. The dragon may consider the adventurer their only true friend and would be very upset to lose them. (Brogan9001)
  38. a life-size statue of a celestial, made of solid silver. it is frozen in a position of reluctant defiance, its wings spread and its face the very picture of fear and bravery. maybe it's not a statue... (-peachmilk-)
  39. A Child-sized Ornate Gold Coffin, (1500-2000 gp value). (disturbednadir)
  40. A thin golden circular disc the size of a dinner platter with a circular hole an inch across in the center. The surface is extremely polished and gleams with an rainbow iridescence in the light. It is easily scratched, and devalued when one does so. (MaxSizeIs)
  41. A 30 foot long chain carved from ivory, with links two inches across, ending in a closed collar made of adamantine, sized for a gargantuan creature. Each link is etched and inset with platinum wire, with a unique name in an obscure and truly ancient dialect of Celestial. (MaxSizeIs)
  42. An adamantine anvil the size of a house, weighing in excess of 750 tons. The base of the anvil has melted, leaving the top angled at a strange angle. The anvil is much hammer-beaten, and is covered in a massive number of untranslatable runes. (MaxSizeIs)
  43. A finely faceted, crystalline egg, five feet across, containing a nested set of the platonic solids made from purest gold from the Celestial planes, and etched with astronomical symbols. It is cradled in a wrought iron holder. (MaxSizeIs)
  44. A simple set of mirrors on wooden stands, set at least six feet apart, facing each other. Any one who looks in either mirror only ever sees the back of their head. Each night, for 3d6 weeks later, the viewer has vivid dreams and nightmares, full of omens and portents. Each dream or nightmare is either absolutely devastatingly true, or so devilishly false as to shake one's worldview to the very core. (MaxSizeIs)
  45. A tiara of mithril, tantalum, and platinum with sharpened, dagger-like protrusions jutting out at least ten centimeters long in a corona (imagine the Statue of Liberty). Seven astral diamonds, the centermost 1 cm across, adorn the tiara. The crown is the functional equivalent of a magic staff and has ten levels of spell charges and may be used to cast the following spells (if the wielder is capable of casting that spell natively): Clone (Lvl 8, uses 8 charges), Regenerate (Lvl 7, uses 7 charges), Magic Jar (Lvl 6, uses 6 charges), Soul Cage (Lvl 6), Blight (Lvl 4), Magic Circle (Lvl 3), and Revivify (Lvl 3); regaining one expended charge per day. The wearer may expend a spell slot of the same level to recharge a number of charges, and or may up-cast a spell from the tiara if there are enough charges remaining, the upcasted spell uses a number of charges equal to its new level. ( MaxSizeIs)
  46. A three headed, medium sized, statue of a seated feline made from what appears to be Onyx, Black Marble, and highly polished Black Basalt, in a highly stylized form. The breed of feline appears to be a very short-haired variety. Each head of the feline is in a different pose, which changes whenever no-one is looking at it. One head always has three eyes and two demonic horns, and one head has an eye made from a brilliantly cut astral Diamond with swirling flecks of pigeon-blood ruby within as inclusions. Occasionally, the cat statue has tentacles similar to those of a Displacer Beast. ( MaxSizeIs)
  47. A kinetic sculpture twelve meters across, made from suspended plates of mithril, hammered bronze, and gold-leaf, with supporting bars of adamantine. At times the structure resembles a flight of dragons. The structure moves with the slightest breeze, nearly silently, except for the nearly inaudible rasp of leathery wings flapping. When a powerful light source is placed within, it casts a shadow-story of a dragon defeating all-comers on the walls. ( MaxSizeIs)
  48. A set of scrolls in an ornate ivory holder carved with images of pineapples and angelic and diabolic versions of cherubim frolicking. The scrolls are magically enchanted to display, in vivid color and intricate, illuminated majesty: a thorough chronicle of the past, present, and most importantly, future life-story of whoever is attuned to it; as if it were them at their most grandly heroic or villainous. The scrolls are prone to blatantly airbrush the protagonist in the most "fan-fiction-y" way, elide boring parts, and cannot actually foretell the future, only projecting a version based upon what the scrolls can magically read from what one remembers (or imagines) their life (and the characters within it) to be. The scroll is very nearly infinitely long, and seems to record continuously, resembling a very medieval, campy comic-book with a nearly infinite number of issues. Reading ahead is possible, and those issues get tagged as "non-canonical". Once "written" it is not possible to overwrite the issue, except via a subsequent "retcon" issue. Much of the scroll currently details the life-story and history of the Dragon from which the item was taken, and man-oh-man... the reader will be lost for words describe the self-aggrandizement within. ( MaxSizeIs)
  49. Seven porcelain urns, each the size of a medium human, from a now extinct kingdom. The urns are extremely rare. They contain a gritty dust that is actually a mix of equal parts industrial grade diamond, high grade residuum, gold filings, ghost salts, and ground bone, which the dragon would take a pinch of each meal to help with digestion, help with heartburn, and give just the right edge of anger for peak performance and a nice, brooding slumber. A skilled alchemist and wizard, teamed up, could (with luck, time, and a great deal of infrastructure) extract a fair amount of gold and material components from the urns, provided they get past the screeching undead infesting it. (MaxSizeIs)
  50. A magical, decorative koi pond, taking the form of an angular, floating Klein bottle that flexes and gyres slowly to some inscrutable pattern. The water it contains defies gravity, and smoothly flows like a peaceful, sunlit, babbling brook with a gravel bottom, a small grassy bank, and other appropriate flora and small fauna that would occupy such an environment. The brook contains a small school of ornamental koi fish, some of which are quite large. Each fish's scales are actually gold pieces. Any copper, silver, gold, or platinum peice deposited in the water becomes a fish of a size dependent on value. Over time, if fed and cared for, the fish gain size and value, slowly. Careful study and prolonged observation may reveal the gold-plated skeleton of the Wizard that created this magical art installation, ritually pinned and eternally drowned, slowly moving with helpless, unending undeath. The small fish seem to love swimming between the bones. (MaxSizeIs)
  51. A gold plated statue of a seated, meditating monk. Inside it contains a Lich or body of some other Sentient Undead Humanoid, trapped in astral form, bound and captive, tortured with the knowledge that it will never be freed to the Material plane. The dragon would talk to it; it was a good listener. (MaxSizeIs)
  52. Goblets of Shattering: A set of at least seven fragile musical crystal goblets. Up to once per hour, when all are played at once (A standard action), it can cast the spell Shatter against selected targets within range. Roll a d6. On a 1, this causes one of the goblets to break as well, but the damage dealt by the spell is doubled. If all the goblets are broken, the magical set no longer functions. A DC25 Int or Wis check, an day or casting and puzzlework, and the spell Mending, plus 100gp per attempt can repair one broken goblet. (MaxSizeIs)
  53. Scrubadub Tub: A heavy gold plated metal washtub weighing 300 pounds. Six feet long, three feet across and three feet deep. When mostly filled with clean warm water, any object or creature placed within the tub is cleansed as per the spell Prestidigitation. It also smells strongly of either rosewater, jasmine, orange blossom, mint, smoked sausage/bacon/steak, sandalwood, patchouli, or lavender (roll a d8), for up to one hour. (MaxSizeIs)
  54. A rare magical bottle of "flavor-anything" sauce. The bottle is never empty, and never goes bad. The flavor is interesting, unique, and addictive. It is also hundreds of years old and not able to be replicated. (MaxSizeIs)
  55. A fine set of masterwork, elven, boxwood combs, smoke aged and hardened for 30 years, and inlaid with fine gold wire in a floral pattern. The combs come with a fine black boxwood case, lacquered and inlaid with gold wire in a matching pattern. On closer inspection, the inlay is a stylized form of an elven family crest that hasn't been in active use for over 600 years. (MaxSizeIs)
  56. A collection of nine large-sized black porcelain vases with fine white scroll work, that have been deliberately broken and then artistically repaired with gold via the kintsugi method. A medium sized creature could easily hide inside each one. They are easily 2000 years old. (MaxSizeIs)
  57. The title to an "small" estate. It is signed by a minister of a nearby kingdom, that died 200 years ago. Surprisingly the estate is still held in trust by an agent of the Dragon, it has fallen into disrepair and quite the tax-bill, however. (MaxSizeIs)
  58. A set of ornamental nesting dolls weighing 300 pounds. The inner-most dolls are only 1 inch high, made of gold, then silver, then copper, then of carved jade, then 1d4 ivory dolls, 3d6 of lacquered smoked boxwood. After that, the dolls are fine porcelain glazed with green celadon of varying hues from jade to black. There are 12d6 dolls in total, with the final doll being 5 feet tall. The motif is of various dragons, and their eggs, the largest one being a multiheaded dragon. (MaxSizeIs)
  59. An iron plated doorway five feet wide and ten high, and stone frame weighing one ton; all placed on a roll-around cart. Runes an eighth of an inch high cover every inch. Open the door and on the other side is a vast poplar forest, with the perpetually golden canary yellow leaves of fall. The forest is "infinite", and contains highly potent amounts of negative planar energy, although enough positive energy remains to be over-all neutral. Each time the door is opened it takes one to a random place within the forest, but within a few miles of where it was last opened. When closed (and it closes automatically exactly one minute after opening, DC20 STR to prevent closing) the door is gone. The runes on the door are difficult to decipher (DC25, even with magic), but tell of a forest where the leaves are literally gold, and how to get there. News-flash, it involves child sacrifice at midsummer, and making a deal with an evil power. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll teleport exactly to the golden leaves. (MaxSizeIs)
  60. An magic axe that can only be wielded by one who will die by its blade. It looks quite crude, but is very potent, magically. (MaxSizeIs)
  61. A magical ayam cemani rooster in a small golden cage shaped like a carriage. It lays small golden eggs worth 1d6 gold peices (one per day) to do so, it must be fed with grain upon which a person has died by violence, or the laying stops. One dead sentient makes about 1d100 eggs. (MaxSizeIs)
  62. A matched pair of life-sized terracotta camels. They bear runes at least 3 times older than the dragon, but don't do anything special. (MaxSizeIs)
  63. 1d6 terracotta chestnuts. When buried and watered with a drop of blood and the sweat from one's brow, they grow either a dry-fit stone wall 5 feet thick, 10 feet high, and 50 feet long (in the shape desired by the user), or a tunnel thru solid stone of similar dimensions. The process takes one full round. (MaxSizeIs)
  64. A polished stone statue of a dog the size of a 10 foot cube with the magical abjuration and necromantic effect of Turn Undead DC17 in a continuous 200 foot radius. It doesn't seem to do anything else, otherwise. (MaxSizeIs)
  65. An earthenware dovecote in the shape of a beehive that fits within a 5 foot cube and weighs 150 pounds. An attuned user may, once per day, while adjacent to the dovecote summon a swarm of Stirges (CR6) for up to one hour. The user has no control over the swarm, except will not be attacked. If used in this manner, once per day, the dovecote will produce randomly either 1d6 Healing Potions, 1d4 Greater Healing Potions, 1d2 Superior Healing potions, a 20% chance of a Greater Healing Potion, or a 20% chance of nothing. The stirge swarm must be feeding for the entire hour for this to occur. (MaxSizeIs)
  66. A large urn the size of a human with the word Mom carved into it (Lysdexic12345
  67. A few large piles of dragon dung (Lysdexic12345)
  68. A large block of never-melt-ice (Lysdexic12345)
  69. A golden magic harp enchanted to play by itself once the command word is spoken (Lysdexic12345)
  70. A Cubic Gate (Lysdexic12345)
submitted by Lysdexic12345 to d100 [link] [comments]

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