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Slot IDnsport

Slot machine IDnsport is considered by many slot machine lovers as the best slot machine website. The website provides users with a lot of information such as which games are available for playing, how much they will cost and how to play these games. Slot machine IDnsport can be accessed through an internet connection or by using your favorite web browser. This is especially useful for those who are too busy to find time to log on to their favorite casino website. There are no fees when you play slot machines through this portal. It is also a secure site that does not allow anyone to access your personal and bank accounts.
Slot machine IDnsport offers online slot machine games that are similar to the ones you find at land-based casinos. These include bingo, video poker, keno, slot machine keno, and the slot machine jackpot. There is even a free bi-weekly slot machine column that you can subscribe to. In this column, you will receive a list of the five most popular slots games posted online each week.
The "Judi Slot Idnsport" column features five of the most popular games posted in the "Judi" slot machine online every Wednesday. These are the same games you will find at the "Judi" machines located in the various casinos around the world. For the benefit of readers who cannot access the internet, "Slot Idnsport" includes an explanation of each game on its home page. In addition, it shows you where the machines are located and how to access each one. This is very important because many slot machine users do not know which machine is their favorite and will spend their time trying to win a jackpot rather than actually enjoying the game they are playing.
The "Slot IDnsport" column also features a review of the various currencies that are exchanged when gambling with the various products offered by slot machine manufacturers. This includes information regarding the US dollar, the Australian dollar, the British pound, the Euro, and the Japanese yen. The currency values change frequently but it is a good idea for slot players to check the value of their currencies before they place a bet on any specific machine. Many slot players from different countries enjoy the ability to play with different currencies and this is important because some countries issue their own currency in casinos and this is another reason why many individuals love to play in casinos using different currencies.
The "Slot IDnsport" column also features a listing of the various countries that offer jackpots worth thousands of dollars. The United States has the largest slot jackpot in the world. The slot machines located in California pay more than five hundred thousand dollars annually. Some cities in the United States have smaller jackpots but these too are increasing in popularity. In Las Vegas for example, the number of hotels offering slots has increased dramatically. As more tourists come to Las Vegas, many casino owners realize that they need to increase the number of slot machines in their facility so that they will be able to provide these tourists with an even greater slots jackpot.
It is easy to access the "Slot IDnsport" website from the comfort of your own home. You can easily navigate from one section to another if you want to see new slot machine listings. When you visit the website you will find an online casino slots guide. You can learn about some of the different types of online slot machines and which ones are best suited for your own personal needs. This online guide can help you decide which casino slots offer the best payout as well as finding websites that offer in depth information about slot machines. If you are a beginner to online gambling then it is important to do your research before choosing any particular online casino slots site.
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Estranged for 17 Years, Considering Allowing Limited Contact

Hello, everyone. I have reached the point in my life where I have now been estranged from my mother for a longer period of time than when I had a relationship with her. I cut her off shortly before I turned 17 so many years ago, and now 17 years later I am 34, married, and with two children.
First, I'd like to share my story, which starts in the city of Dallas one July morning when I was born. My mother and father had married when they found out they were having me, but that marriage only lasted until my first birthday. Following the divorce, my father joined the US Navy and fought in Desert Storm, while my mother spirited me away first to Arizona for a year, and finally to Las Vegas, NV to attend college at UNLV. Shortly thereafter, I was three years old with a step-father and a new baby half-sister, and two more half-brothers would come in the coming years.
My earliest memory living in Las Vegas also happens to be the only happy memory I had of living there. When I was five, my dad took leave and visited me, and we spent the whole week together including a trip to Circus Circus. It was a theme that would be constant for the rest of my child -- the only times I ever felt happy was when I was not in Las Vegas with my mother and the new family that she started.
Even from early on, I never felt like I belonged with the family that I was living in. I had a different father who lived on the opposite coast, and I was treated far differently as if I was an inconvenient child that nobody knew what to do with. I was not my step-father's son, and unlike my sibling my interactions with him usually ended up explosive in temperament, including having objects thrown at me, with my mother doing little to stop it. In fact, my mother often reinforced the behavior which only led to fights and arguments with her as well, fights which would only subside when my dad calmed me down over the phone.
While my half-siblings did like me and looked up to me, I also never felt as strong a bond with them as they did with each other, or with their parents. I had my own room, and my own stuff, while they had to share among themselves. They received care and affection from both of their parents, while I had a tumultuous relationship with the one we shared and a long distance relationship with the one we did not. When my step-father's family came over, it was my half-siblings who were showered with attention while I was just the other child from their in-law's failed marriage. From very early on in my childhood it was clear to me that I did not belong with this family.
Then there was the effect that Las Vegas has on many adults living there. I remember being nine years old witnessing screaming arguments between my mother and step-father. You see, my step-father had a gambling addiction where he would receive his paycheck and swiftly deposit it into the slot machines at the grocery store hoping for a payout that would never come. There was also the work schedules. Since Las Vegas is a 24/7 town, it is not unusual for people to work odd shifts including evenings and into the wee hours of the night. I was often left to entertain myself while my mother was asleep all day with the blackout curtains drawn.
As a means of coping, I applied myself academically at school because it was something that I actually felt that I could do well. Unfortunately, my July birthday meant that I was always the youngest kid in all of my classes and that, coupled with my small frame, meant that I was often picked on and bullied with nobody at home that I thought would really support me.
The only times that I ever felt happy were when I flew to Dallas for the summer to visit my grandparents and the rest of my dad's side of the family, and my dad would always organize his leave to meet me there too. I have several cousins who are close to my age living there, and I have many fond memories of summer pool parties every Sunday afternoon at my grandparent's house. I looked forward to flying out every summer because I felt like it was where I belonged.
At nine years old, shortly after finishing the fourth grade, was when I hit my first breaking point with my mother. I don't remember at all what we were fighting about, but it became so intense that it ended with my mother packing away all of my things and sending me to live with my dad within the week. I was that child that she didn't know what to do with and she just sent me away, and I was thrilled. My dad had just been stationed in Oklahoma City for shore duty, a mere three hour drive from Dallas, and I would live with him for the next three years through fifth, sixth, and seventh grades.
The change was great for me, and I think that those three years were the golden years of my early childhood. While my dad does not speak much, and he occasionally had to leave me with a babysitter when he was on duty, with him I felt like I was listened to and that I belonged. We often took weekend trips to Dallas and I developed a strong bond with my grandparents and all of my cousins. I remember him taking me camping and fishing, teaching me how to shoot a gun, letting my twelve year old self drive the car on some old country roads, building a go-kart for me to drive around the neighborhood, and all kinds of experiences that I never had in Las Vegas. My school life was much better, too, and I had a good group of friends at the time.
My relationship with my mother was limited to phone calls from time to time and brief summer trips to Las Vegas. Ironically, fate made the phone calls very rare when our WebTV internet service ended up charging up an $1800 phone bill leading our phone to be disconnected for over a year. Since it was a bit of a hike to walk to the convenience store to call my mother from the pay phone, it happened less frequently and that is probably a good thing as she was also going through her second divorce while I was living in Oklahoma.
Unfortunately, my time with my dad came to an end when his shore duty tour ended and he was assigned to an aircraft carrier that was about to deploy. In the eighth grade, I moved back to Las Vegas to live with my mother. At the time, she was dating another guy who had two kids of his own, and they had moved in. My half-siblings were living with their father as he had the family support network in Las Vegas whereas my mother did not. All of the same problems that we had in early childhood existed now, except with a new guy in the house and a new set of kids that I had no bond with whatsoever. I was going to a new school, too, but it was not a very good school and I was always isolated and bullied there.
I didn't even make it through the school year before I hit my second breaking point. Our constant fighting probably led to her boyfriend from breaking things off with her, and I always felt like she was blaming me for it. One day, we got into an argument so intense that she drove me in the middle of the night to admit me into a mental hospital where I would spend two weeks being told how much of a terrible child that I was until I would admit that to the doctor and my mother in a consultation. It was easily the most humiliating experience I had ever gone through in my life. A month after I had been discharged I was given the option to move in with my dad in Virginia Beach, VA, and I took the opportunity without hesitation.
During that year, my dad married the woman who he had been dating. She already had a toddler child out of wedlock and was expecting a child by the time that I moved in. It was a little weird, because here I was a 14 year old entering high school with a step-mother who was 23 years old, but I was just so happy to move away from Las Vegas and the toxic relationship that I had with my birth mother.
My poor relationship with my step-father before, however, certainly affected me in my relationship with my step-mom. She was young and unfamiliar with what to do with a teenager step-son who is not that much younger than her, and I was conditioned by previous experiences to be distrusting of her. We had some growing pains during my teenage years for sure, but nothing ever got as bad as what I experienced in Las Vegas. I also formed more of a bond with my toddler step-sister and the two half-brothers that would be born because I was trusted with the responsibility of helping to care for them as infants given our large age gap, and I do believe that made a difference. While there may have been times that I felt that maybe I didn't belong in this new family, I think that was remedied by my dad and step-mom keeping me involved and trusting me.
I also felt like I had direction in my high school years. I had joined the school's NJROTC unit, made some close friends that I still talk to today, and really enjoyed those years. I spent my freshman and sophomore years in Virginia Beach, and I felt like I had a clear path forward into adulthood all laid out for me.
Unfortunately, that all came to an end when my dad was deployed again during my junior year. With my dad being out to sea for nine months, my step-mom wanted to move back to Georgia where her family could help to take care of my step-sister and my first infant half-brother, a decision which I fully understand. My mother decided that it would be best for me to move to Las Vegas to live with her, however, and I didn't have a say in the matter. During this move, she couldn't even be bothered to fly me like during past moves, and I embarked on a three day Greyhound bus adventure across the country where I feared I was going to be kidnapped or raped at any moment. to live with my mother in Las Vegas.
This time I was not only living with my mother, I was also living with her mother and drunkard brother because she could not afford to live on her own. I wanted to just emancipate myself right then and there, and I would have tried to do so if I would have qualified to do so. The only difference was that we did not fight as often, it was more of a silent treatment. She often worked all night, or went out to party and go to concerts, and slept all day with the blackout curtains drawn anyways. I have memories of her being dumped by some guy and then closing herself in her room to eat bowls of straight powdered sugar, and I felt nothing but shame that she was my mother. As before, I had no friends in Las Vegas although my junior year at school wasn't as bad as previous experiences in earlier childhood. I felt isolated and alone, and was just biding my time to move back with my dad for my senior year. When I finally moved back, taking another greyhound bus across the country, my last works to her were, "I don't ever want to see or speak to you again." and for 17 years I had followed through on that.
She certainly tried to contact me at first. All through my senior year she tried calling the house frequently, but I never accepted the phone call. When I was 19 I had moved out on my own and also moved back to Dallas, so she would try to reach me through my grandparents with no success. For the first four years I was also inundated with unwanted letters from her trying to justify herself through emotional sob stories, never once acknowledging what she had done to push me away. She even tried to show up at my work one day, an event that ended with me denying knowing her and having security escort her off premises. Eventually the attempts to recontact stopped until about five years in it was as if she did not exist to me.
In the time that I was estranged from my mother, I had graduated high school, obtained my drivers license, joined the US Navy and served for six years, obtained a college degree all while serving, met my beautiful spouse, and had two children (4 years old and 4 months old), and got my dream job as an engineer living and working in Japan. I do not regret walking out on her at all because she was not a positive influence in my life at all and I just feel like she would have kept me held back.
My only regret in cutting off contact was actually cutting off my half-siblings as well. While I never felt like I belonged with them, they did look up to me dearly and I do feel like I have betrayed them in a cruel way. I just could not allow myself to have any ties to my mother or to the city of Las Vegas, because my time there was too much to bear, so my relationship with them ended up being a casualty of my fallout with my mother. I stalk them online from time to time, though, and I am happy that they are doing well. My half-sister followed her dream and became an event photographer for a local radio station in Las Vegas, my older half-brother just finished his Associates in accounting and got picked up for a pretty good job also in Las Vegas, and my younger half-brother is just figuring out his early 20s. I'm sincerely happy that they are all doing well and I am sorry for any pain that I caused them from severing ties with our mother.
That brings me to the present day, where I have just turned 34 years old meaning that I have been apart from my mother for longer than I have had any association with her, and I am considering restoring limited contact with her for a few reasons.
First, and this is the main reason, I had checked in on her FaceBook page and it seems like she has become a different person than I remembered before. Her posts are generally positive and she is often spending time with her other three adult children. I looked through her entire Facebook feed to 2008 and I did not find a single post where she laid out the self-victimization sob stories that were in the letters she sent when we first broke contact. When she did mention me, it was her posting a message wishing me a happy birthday every year where she apologizes for hurting me and is praying that I would recontact her one day, or an old photograph with her commentary on what was a happy time to her, or posts where she is expressing happiness for what I have achieved in my life when she hears about them. It actually makes me cry because I believe she is actually sincere since these kinds of posts go back for the last nine years and I never had any idea.
Second, while I resent what she has done to me in my childhood, now that I am a parent myself I can appreciate the impossible situation she was in given that appeasing me may very well have been alienating to her other three children. There were times when I treated her unfairly, and I am willing to take responsibility and apologize for those times if she is also willing to take responsibility and apologize for how her actions hurt me.
Finally, I do not want to deny my children the right to get to know their grandmother, especially since she seems to have changed over the past 17 years. I am considering extending an olive branch and allowing her to visit her grandchildren here in Japan as soon as all of the travel restrictions are lifted.
If she has changed for the better, and is willing to take responsibility for her actions, and is willing to come to us to meet, then I can see our relationship being reconciled. To be honest, though, I am scared to reach out. I got her cell phone number and put it in my phone, but I have not yet found the courage to hit dial. I also fear what my half-siblings must think of me, but I do think it is finally the time to make the move and try to reconcile.
Thank you if you took the time to read my story. Mostly it helps me to just get it all written down, but I hope it is a change since there are so few stories on this subreddit of estranged adult children actually talking about reaching the point where reconciliation may be an option.
submitted by Rostecello to EstrangedAdultChild [link] [comments]

Roku Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Roku Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

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Register at Roku Casino and get a 100% bonus and 100 free spins on first deposit. Additionally, receive daily free spins without deposit, cashback promotions and free bonus codes! Click on the bonus link below and find out more. Good luck!
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Join Roku Casino and receive 100 free spins welcome bonus! In addition, enjoy a 100% bonus on your very first deposit! This casino is licensed in Curacao which means a very friendly gambling commission. Also, it means that you can play safe, win big money, and enjoy tax-free payouts. Good luck!
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Roku Casino at a Glance

Sophistically designed Roku Casino out stands at first sight. Its website is easy to navigate, offering +1000 games for you to enjoy. is not only a casino games platform. If you love some sports betting, here you can find it too. Live dealer games are also available.And they all come from the best providers within the industry, such as NetEnt, Play’n Go, and Microgaming, to name a few. This brand new online casino was established in 2020 and is already available in +20 countries around the globe, although supports only a few currencies.Ready to know more about Roku Casino? Continue reading to find everything about this new stylish casino.

Roku Casino Welcome Bonus

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FIRST DEPOSIT: 100% Match Bonus up to €100 If you decide not to take this new casino bonus, you can reject it and use the money you deposit as you wish.
  • Minimum deposit: it depends on the payment method and on the currency chosen.
  • Wagering requirements: 50x the bonus amount.
Please, read the Terms & Conditions of the bonus before making your first deposit.

Other Casino Roku Casino and Promotions

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Roku Casino Withdrawal Review

There’s a lot of payment methods for players to choose from, including AstroPay, Bitcoin, ecoPayz and Visa, to name a few. Unlikely the wide range of banking options, there are a few currencies available to deposit and withdraw while enjoying Roku Casino games.You can use only Turkish lira, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars, Euro and American Dollars. The transaction time is instant for deposits and can take up to 24 hours after the withdrawal request was approved.
  • Standard currencies accepted: EUR, TRY, AUD, CAD and USD
  • Minimum deposit: it varies according to the method, from €10 to €500
  • Minimum withdrawal: €100

Deposits & Withdrawal Methods Available at Roku Casino

As mentioned before, Roku Casino offers a wide range of payment methods for its players. You can choose between credit/debit cards, e-Wallets and cryptocurrency. The variety offered by Roku Casino is a great asset for its players. You won’t have to worry about it.

Enjoy +1000 Casino at Roku Casino

There are +1000 games available on Roku Casino! Also, the best is yet to come: if you enjoy playing other games than casino slots and table cards, you have just found your place.Roku Casino thought about the sports lover, so have a look at a full list of Roku Casino games below:


Slot machines and jackpots are very popular within the iGaming industry, so Roku Casino wouldn’t launch without them in its game selection.Its slots are hosted by some of the software providers’ leaders, such as NetEnt, IGT, Microgaming and Betsoft, amongst others.

Live Casino Games

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Card Games

If you don’t want to play live casino games, you can still play Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat and Poker. Roku Casino has a good selection of card games waiting for you. Therefore, you can have fun for hours even if its presented by live dealers.
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Licenses & Restricted Countries

Roku Casino is operated by the Abudantia B.V., which is licensed and regulated by Curacao eGaming.As expected for having an offshore license, there are some restricted countries. U.K, Aruba, Belarus, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and the United States of America are some of the forbidden territories to play from.>> Claim Free Spins No Deposit Bonus <<

Customer Support

Anyone who needs help can contact the casino customer support team via live chat or email. You can also check the FAQs page to see if your doubts are listed there.
  • Supported Languages: English and Turkish
  • Opening hours: 24/7
  • Phone: No
  • Live Chat: 24/7
  • Email: [email protected]

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Win A Day Casino $38 Free Chip No Deposit Bonus Code

Win A Day Casino $38 Free Chip No Deposit Bonus Code

Win A Day Casino Free Bonuses & Review
Open your account at Win A Day Casino and enjoy no deposit bonuses, both free spins and free spins. This online casino offers Provably Fair Games, Bitcoin Payments and Las Vegas slots. And, the best thing is that it is available for USA!
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Win A Day Casino Review

Win A Day Casino was launched in 2007 by Slotland Entertainment. Slotland Entertainment have been round for over 10 years so you can be assured you are in safe and experienced hands. On first entering the Win A Day Casino homepage you will find yourself at the virtual entrance to the online casino, complete with golden awning, running fountain and a welcoming doorman. Completing the scene are 3-d avatar customers who speak via speech bubbles and moving traffic
Win A Day is a unique online casino. The entire layout is individual and much effort has been put into designing the animations and avatars that make up the site. The casino host will immediately welcome you into the casino through an interactive chat application as soon as you arrive.


One thing that makes this site so unique is that it is a total Flash site. There will never be the need to download any software or programs onto your computer. Once you register as a player and enter the casino, you will be able to begin playing the great games right away. The only thing you need to enjoy this one of a kind casino is an Internet connection. The games that are available at the casino are powered by their own software. New games are added each month to ensure players will always have new games to choose from and new opportunities to win.
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Win A Day Player Options

Players will not be required to make any type of deposit into a casino account. This is because you will have the option of playing for fun or for real money. There are many players who are not looking to play slot games to win cash; they simply want to play a game that is enjoyable. However, for those of you who are looking to hit the big jackpot, this is a good place for you. With many games to choose from and some impressive progressive jackpots, you will surely have some good chances at walking away with a padded bankroll.
You will also have the option to customize the game screen to suit your tastes. One of the great things about this online casino is that it is one of the few that still accepts players from the US. Most of the games on the site can be changes to reflect high or low stakes. This is a nice option because it allows high rollers to play some of the games they would not be able to play in other casinos. There are many online casinos that have reserved games based on the amount that is being wagered. At this casino, all players will have the chance to play every game.

Win A Day Casino Bonuses

Any information on promotional offers is current at the time of writing and may be out of date. More current bonus information can be found in the bonus area on this page.
Win A Day Casino also offers some good casino promos. There are bonuses for new players, bonuses when you make wire transfers, a monthly bonus for players that play the game of the month and high deposit bonuses. These are just some of the ways the casino rewards you for being a loyal player. In addition to these bonus offers, there is a VIP program that is available in three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. VIP Players will receive a welcome bonus in addition to VIP bonuses.

Win A Day Game Choices

Some of the most popular games in the casino are the progressive slots. These include Jackpot d’ Luxe, Leprechaun Luck, Lucky Go Round and Gold Boom. Of course, these are just a few of the popular titles. In addition to slots, the casino offers video poker games and table games. The table games include Keno, Slot21, La Roulette and Roulette 5. This is great news to slot players because the casino will offer some games that are hard to find anywhere else. It also means you will have access to the latest and greatest games.
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Win A Day Customer Service

While the software is reliable and the payment methods are secure, there is always a time when you will need customer support. Win A Day is proud to offer support that is available 24/7/ Representatives are always available to manage your questions, complaints and concerns in a timely and professional manner. Though there is no phone support at this time, there is email and live chat options that you can use to contact the customer service team members.
If you follow our site at, specially the customer comments pages, then you will see that “Slotland” ( Win A Day´s sister site) has customer issues that have been dealt with by the casino. You can expect the very same with Win A Day. I can honestly say that these guys are 100% there FOR the player and take every complaint very seriuosly. Problems are being solved quickly, professionally and in favour of the player most of the time.

Win A Day Payment Methods Accepted

Win A Day has various payment methods available. When you are making a deposit, you can use Neteller, Money Bookers, UseMyWallet, MasterCard, Visa, Check21, Diners Club, American Express and a Wire Transfer. While all of these are accepted forms of deposit, when making a withdrawal from your casino account, these methods are not accepted. Withdrawals must be made through Neteller, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Money Bookers, Diners Club or JCB.
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If you are looking for a great casino to play at, this is one of the best choices available. With high quality games and graphics and high payouts, you will be sure to have an exciting time while playing some of your favorite casino games. Win A Day Casino is known for having reliable software and the Flash play makes this an attractive casino for many players. Too many casinos will require you to download software in order to get in on the action. At Win A Day, you can simply begin playing as soon as you enter the site.
Since the casino does welcome US players, many players from the States are gambling here and reaping the benefits. There are some good jackpots waiting to be won and when these are combined with casino bonuses and VIP program rewards, you will come out on the winning end. Win A Day is one of the most unique gambling experiences available online and it continues to attract a growing group of loyal players.
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Royal Vegas Casino 50 free spins bonus without deposit (Exclusive)

Royal Vegas Casino 50 free spins bonus without deposit (Exclusive)

Royal Vegas Casino Free Bonus and Review
Here comes Royal Vegas Casino with a special promotion for new players. If you open your account today you will receive 50 free spins on Mega Moolah Absolootely Mad slot. In addition, you will score a $1,200 Welcome Bonus! Are you interested in?
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Like many casinos Royal Vegas recently hiked the wagering i.e. the play-through requirements from x30 to x50. Slots, keno and scratch cards count towards 100% of these play-through requirements. If you withdraw your 1st deposit money before receiving your first deposit bonus you won’t be eligible for the first deposit match bonus
Bonus in practice: With the Royal Vegas welcome offer, each deposit (up to four times) of $300 will give you a bonus of $300. A wagering requirement of x50 means that you’d need to wager $3000 on a first deposit of $300 to actually be able to receive the $300 bonus.
Bonus Sum Up: The Royal Vegas’ sign up offer has a number of plus points for us. For players who are going to deposit and wager big, they have the incentive of a $1200 bonus whilst smaller depositors can be content with the 100% match on their first deposit. Be wary though that the wage requirement of 50x is quite hefty.

Games Overview

Royal Vegas is a Microgaming casino, with its games powered solely by this casino software powerhouse, which has won numerous industry awards, so you’re guaranteed a first class gaming experience both in terms of choice and quality of games.
Slots: If you’re a slot games fan then you’re going to be spoilt for choice, when you first visit Royal Vegas’s super sleek website they display the games you can play and the choice is incredible – over 248 different slot games more than you’d find on a real Las Vegas gaming floor. All the bases are covered from simple 3 reel slots offering regular but small payouts to 5 reel video slots full of bonus rounds and cutaway scenes
They’ve all the great Microgaming content including the following video and progressive slots games: Avalon II, Thunderstruck, Tomb Raider, Game of Thrones, Jurassic Park, Mega Moolah, The Dark Knight
Blackjack & Roulette: Whilst slots make up a large majority of the games on offer and the welcome bonus is geared primarily towards slots players there’s tons of table games – 48 in fact, a particular strong point for Microgaming. Get bored of playing classic online blackjack, move on to Double Exposure blackjack, get bored of European roulette play American roulette. You’d be surprised at just how many different versions of a game Royal Vegas Canada offers.
Live Casino: To really deliver on that Las Vegas promise Royal Vegas provides a live dealer casino to play blackjack, roulette and baccarat. You can have your cards dealt by real life dealers and interact with them – play from your home but with real interaction, the best of both worlds.
How To Play: Royal Vegas offers 2 ways to play their games. Firstly you can play their download casino. Simply press the download button and their software will be added to your PC (not Mac compatible) The download casino option offers the biggest range of games 600 with marginally the better graphics. Canadians not wanting to download any software can play the Royal Vegas Flash casino, enabling you to play games and make deposits and withdrawals via their website browser (Internet.Explorer, Chrome or Firefox etc). The flash casino option offers approximately 400 games.
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Mobile Casino

The Royal Vegas Mobile casino is a very good product that you can play via your mobile phone’s browser. Initially the range of games that Royal Vegas mobile offered was quite limited but it now boasts 72 slot games including Tomb Raider and Hitman, six table games (roulette and blackjacks) and six video poker mobile games. Although the number of games is smaller than what can find playing on your PC or Mac the gameplay and winning potential is still the same – want some proof? Last year one lucky person in Canada won the jackpot of $7,562,019.94 playing Mega Moolah on his mobile!
You can open an account and deposit directly from your handset, with that account then reflected back on your PC or Mac and vica versa. The same security mechanisms for their desktop casino apply to their mobile with regards to depositing funds.
Canadians with Android, iPhone or blackberry devices can play on Royal Vegas from their phone which included hundreds of possible phones from iPhone to Samsung, HTC, LG, Nexus, Sony and Motorola smartphones etc.

Live Casino

Royal Vegas casino features Evolution Gaming’s live dealer casino for Canadians. Players can enjoy the ambiance and sophistication of live dealer gaming with the convenience of playing on their own device. Play with real dealers in real time on a real table. The games on offer include live blackjack, baccarat, roulette, casino hold’em, Caribbean stud poker and more.
All of the dealers are friendly and professional and some customers appreciate the fact that they can choose Playboy™ Live Casino Games. The dealers are dressed as Playboy Bunnies, which adds another layer of extravagance to the live games.
Playing single or player roulette at Royal Vegas is a joy with clear views and advanced technology for perfect results every spin. The casino’s selection of live games can be played on either Royal Vegas Canada’s Desktop or Mobile casino portal.


Getting a player on board is one thing but how do you keep that player with you? In Royal Vegas’s case they do this by a variety of promotions, tournaments and reward programs.

Bottom Line On Royal Vegas

A $1200 welcome bonus, free spins, promotions, reward programs, trust and security. As their brand name implies Royal Vegas wants their players to feel regal and enjoy that thrilling Las Vegas experience and from the perspective of this Royal Vegas review they’ve succeeded without question. Click through on the button below and sign up today!
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15 Most Famous Slot Machines and Most Popular Slot Games

1. Liberty Bell

Invented and designed by a San Francisco mechanic named Charles Fey in 1895, the Liberty Bell is the first slot machine. The main symbols here include horseshoes, stars, spades, diamonds, hearts, and Liberty Bells. Once three bells are aligned, the machine pays 50 cents.
Having a coin slot at the top, it features small reels in the middle and a paytable at the bottom. It works like this - players insert a Nickel and pull a lever on the right-hand side to spin the reels. Although the Operator Bell and Liberty Bell have been removed from casinos, the original Liberty Bell on display can be seen in the Liberty Belle saloon in Reno, Nevada.

2. Lion's Share

One of the most famous slot machines, Microgaming’s classic slot Lion's Share, gained a lot of success back in 2014, due to news channels that discussed the topic on how Lion's Share's progressive jackpot hasn’t been hit for two decades. Thousands of people have tried but no one was lucky enough to pull it off.
Although the machine only featured 3 reels and only 1 payline, Lion’s Share has managed to become one of the most popular releases in Vegas, so popular that people waited in line just to put a coin into it and try spinning those reels.
Eventually, a New Hampshire couple hit the $2.4 million progressive jackpot in MGM’s Grand’s Lion’s Share. Soon after, MGM Grand made a decision to retire the Lion's Share machine since it required a lot of maintenance. Still, the game became part of slot history with a jackpot that took 20 years to win.

3. Megabucks

Created by IGT, Megabucks has managed to become one of the world's best progressive slot machines. The game is also responsible for numerous big wins throughout the entire jackpots’ history. Also known as the biggest money jackpots of all time, Megabucks slot machines are described as simple games with a massive progressive jackpot. One of the biggest wins was when an anonymous engineer won a staggering $39.7 million at Las Vegas' Excalibur, back in 2003.
As for the other big wins hit on this machine, there was a cocktail waitress Cynthia Jay Brennan who snagged an incredible $34.9 million at Vegas' Desert Inn, as well as a retired flight attendant hitting $27.5 million at Vegas' Palace Statio­n. J­ohanna Huendl won $22.6 million whereas an Illinois businessman hit $21.3 million on the very first spin.
However, after winning the prize, one of the winner's family members had a tragic accident, which (as some believe) only supported the theory of a Megabucks curse. Other unfortunate stories are just believed to be urban legends, including anecdotes about underage players, as well as casino employees, being big winners but not being able to claim their jackpots because of specific state laws and regulation.

4. Wheel of Fortune

IGT’s Wheel of Fortune has proven to be the second most famous slot machine of all time. Featuring a bonus feature just like the real show, the slot machine is usually played by many slot fans and can be found in numerous casinos all over the globe. Although the game comes in more variations, probably the most popular one is still its 3-reel version, with a colourful wheel at the top.
The Wheel of Fortune multiplayer game features a bank of machines where every player gets their own screen. What makes the game even more exciting is the multiplayer edition where people can play the bonus round together, which really intensifies the game show aspect.
In a 5-reel Wheel of Fortune slot, however, Wild symbols will help players land winning combos and, if you’re lucky enough, you may get a Super Wild that will boost your win up to 5x! Last but not least, the Triple Action Bonus is activated by getting at least 3 Triple Action Bonus symbols anywhere on the reels. But still, none of the newer Wheel of Fortune slots measure up to the original one because of the large progressive jackpot involved.

5. Mega Fortune

Featuring 5 reels and 25 paylines, NetEnt’s Mega Fortune slot became very popular among players as it usually grows into a multimillion-euro amount before being hit. The main symbols here include luxury cars, yachts, and expensive jewellery, Mega Fortune is an online slot machine game which justifies its theme that comes with the largest ever online slot jackpots.
The game offers a few different features that make the entire gameplay more fascinating, however, by far the most interesting ones are the 3 different progressive jackpots: Mega Jackpot, Major Jackpot and Rapid Jackpot. There are counters for all 3 of these that are displayed above the reels. Champagne is the Scatter and if you land at least 3 of them simultaneously, you will trigger Free Spins bonus round. Likewise, Wheel of Luck is the Bonus symbol, and if you land 3 or more symbols in succession from left to right on an active payline, you will activate the Bonus game.
What’s interesting about this slot is the fact that a Finnish man won a huge jackpot worth €17.8 million while spinning the reels of Mega Fortune. This record from 2013, has been passed by Mega Moolah, but the game is still proof how rich players can get after playing Mega Fortune.

6. Mega Moolah

Powered by Microgaming and being among most popular slot games, Mega Moolah is a 25-payline progressive slot which has served as a competitor to Mega Fortune's big jackpots. Followed by African safari music, the game features antelopes, elephants, giraffes, lions, monkeys and zebras as the main symbols.
Landing at least 3 Scatters at the same time will trigger 15 Free Spins. What’s more, all wins hit during Free Spins are tripled, whereas Free Spins can also be retriggered. Players can win one of the 4 Progressive Jackpots within the randomly triggered Bonus round.
The game paid some of the largest slot machine jackpots that have ever been triggered. In 2015,for example, Mega Moolah gained international recognition when a British soldier Jon Heywood won a massive €17,879,645.

7. Cleopatra

Inspired by the famous Egyptian theme and Developed by IGT, Cleopatra is a 20-payline classic game that managed to stand out above similar releases. Featuring ancient Egyptian music, the main symbols here include Cleopatra, the Eye of Horus, scarabs, and pyramids. Landing at least 3 Sphinx symbols will trigger the Cleopatra Bonus, which awards 15 Free Spins. All prizes, except for the 5 Cleopatra symbols, are tripled in the Free Spins round.
The game has been so successful that it inspired its creators to make a sequel, Cleopatra II, with richer graphics and engaging sound effects. But even if you choose the original game, you'll be playing a classic that's still enjoyed by various players today. And, in case you land 5 Cleopatra symbols you’ll get a jackpot of 10,000 coins.

8. Book of Ra

Having a popular Ancient-Egypt theme, Book of Ra has always been one of the best choices to play in land based and online casinos. Powered by Novomatic, Book of Ra is a 9 payline video slot that offers plenty of bonus features and big payouts. With entertaining narrative and energising gameplay, there are numerous ways to win here.
In case you land 5 archaeologists simultaneously, you’ll get an impressive 5,000x your line bet. Earning big bucks, however, comes from the Free Spins feature. What players need to do is land at least 3 Scatter books to trigger the Free Spins feature. Pages of the book will flip and randomly determine which symbol will expand during the 10 Free Spins.
Although hitting the jackpot may not be easy, with only a few one in between, when big wins come, they can be big.

9. Starburst

There’s no denying NetEnt’s Starburst slot became kinda legendary in the iGaming universe. With its dark background and shiny space looking gemstones, Starburst slot features 5 reels and 10 paylines. The well-known futuristic music in this release is also easily noticeable, as is the game’s expanding Wild.
More precisely, the Wilds may only occur on the reels 2, 3 and 4, and, once 1 or more wilds appear on those reels, the Starburst Wild feature will be activated. During this feature, Starburst wilds expand to cover the entire reel and remain while the other reels re-spin. Should a new wild land during a re-spin, it expands and stays along with any previously expanded Starbursts for another re-spin.
Another cool feature is that Starburst pays both ways, instead of only paying you for landing at least 3 identical symbols on adjacent reels starting with the reel furthest to the left. The maximum single spin payout for a person (betting the $200 maximum) is $100,000. But, in order for that to happen, you must land five bars on consecutive reels on an active payline. Players love this slot, probably because it’s suitable for both newbies and experienced players.

10. Immortal Romance

Powered by Microgaming, Immortal Romance is based on sci-fi and the cult of Vampires which has become one of the popular casino slot machines in the last couple of years. Apart from superb graphics and great audio and visual effects, the slot features 5 reels and 243 paylines, and the theoretical RTP rate of 96.86%. The four main characters are Amber, Troy, Michael and Sarah.
When it comes to features and bonus games, Immortal Romance offers different variants. Wild Desire feature can occur randomly, and as soon as it does, it can turn 1 to 5 reels completely Wild. Likewise, landing 3 or more Scatters anywhere on the reels in this game, activates the Chamber of Spins feature which cannot be triggered during Wild Desire.
The game is still among the most popular slots, as many players still try their luck in this slot in the hope to get the highest multiplier possible.

11. Gonzo’s Quest

Beautifully designed video slot powered by NetEnt, Gonzo Quest features 5 reels and 20 paylines. The story is based on the famous conquistador Gonzalo Pizzaro who is on his way to the Peruvian ruins and just about to experience the unique quest.
Now, Gonzo’s Quest has become one of the most popular slot games of all time, probably because it comes with a few interesting features, Avalanche Multipliers feature being the most interesting one of all. In Essence, the reels in the slot move in a cascading manner which resemble an Avalanche. As you activate each new Avalanche, you will win a multiplier. Multipliers are displayed above the reels, and go up to 5x, that is if you land 4 or more avalanches simultaneously.

12. Age of the Gods

Being among famous slot machines and inspired by Ancient Greek mythology, Age of the Gods is a 5-reel, 20-payline progressive slot powered by Playtech. The main characters are Athena, Zeus, Hercules, and Poseidon power up 4 free game modes that offer extra wilds and win multipliers! Once you start spinning, you’ll come across a series of bonus features, such as Athena Free Games, Zeus Free Games, Poseidon Free Games and Hercules Free Games.
Wild logo is the game’s wild card and it substitutes for all symbols, with the exception of the Scatter. Landing at least 3 Scatters anywhere on the reels simultaneously triggers the Bonus game. Moreover, landing 5 God symbols in any order on an active payline will get you 200x your line bet!
During the main game, any spin can activate the Age of the Gods Mystery Jackpot. This mini game guarantees a win of up to 4 progressive jackpots. All you gotta do is click on the coins to reveal jackpot symbols, and if you match 3 identical ones, you will win that jackpot.

13. Money Honey

Having a cute theme, Money Honey is a 5-reel and a 243 payline slot themed around honey. With Wilds, Free Spins, Scatters and multipliers, it is a fast-paced exciting creation featuring vibrant colours. Likewise, it is a mobile-optimized slot which may be an excellent choice if you’re new to online gambling or if you’ve been playing for years.
Just like in other games, Wilds will help you win payouts as they are able to replicate most other symbols on the reels once a winning combination has been made. Another symbol you may want to keep your eyes on is a Money Wheel card. Once you manage to land at least 3 of them on your reels after a spin, the bonus game begins, and you spin a big wheel to choose a prize.

14. Quick Hit

And our selection wouldn’t be complete without Bally's Quick Hit slot. Featuring traditional Las Vegas symbols with sharp graphics and relaxed music, the video slot has 5 reels, 3 rows, and 30 paylines. Once you decide how many paylines you want to bet on, your gaming adventure can begin. There are Scatters symbols and three bonus games to benefit from.
The biggest payout here comes from landing the triple seven symbol. Should you land 5 of these lucky numbers on the reels at the same time, you will win 5,000 coins, whereas if you land five wild symbols, you’ll get 12,500 coins.
Those looking for hitting a jackpot should pay attention to Quick Hit Platinum symbols as 5 of these contribute to 5,000x players’ original bet amount – and even more, with the max bet activated. The second-highest jackpot can be hit by landing 9 Quick Hit Slot symbols. Both the Quick Hit Platinum and regular Quick Hit symbols must occur on or within one position of the first payline to be eligible for a jackpot win.

15. SlotZilla Zip Line

And now something completely different. We’re finishing our selection of famous slots in style, with the world’s largest slot machine - StotZilla Zip Line - 128 feet tall which has two take-off levels. This $12 million SlotZilla zip line took more than a year to build and opened its doors in 2014 and has already had more than 2 million riders so far.
The 11-story slot machine is decorated with over-sized dice, a glass of martini, a pink flamingo, video reels, coins, and two showgirls - Jennifer and Porsha. SlotZilla offers two different rider experiences - the upper Zoomline and a lower Zipline. This unique machine has a huge video screen with reels and a gigantic arm, replicating a true slot machine experience.
submitted by askgamblers-official to onlinegambling [link] [comments]

I'm Gerry Thompson, a Professional Magic Player, and I'm Protesting the State of Professional Magic by Refusing to Play in the World Championship

The Current State
  1. Wizards of the Coast (WotC) does not pay professional players a living wage. This, in and of itself, is not a requirement. However, if the goal is to sell the dream of playing on the Pro Tour, there should be something in place to make that worth achieving. Between qualifying becoming more and more difficult, especially with the goal posts continually changing, and the lack of reward at the top, the message currently being sent is “don’t waste your time.”
  2. Wizards does not promote its players well. “Oh, Worlds is this weekend? I had no idea.” How many people can name all 24 players qualified for this year’s World Championship? How many could name 15? If you can’t, don’t worry, you’re not alone.
  3. WotC’s communication is notoriously poor. The new cycle pro system is confusing, even for those who created it. The best resources for what your pro status is, how long it lasts, and how many pro points people have is a series of fan made spreadsheets.
  4. There are not enough Pro Tour invites to satiate the player base. As Magic grows, the top should grow to reflect that somewhat. Getting onto the Pro Tour is already difficult, but nearly impossible for those not located in North America. Additionally, a “first or dead last” system like PTQs creates very few people who feel like they accomplished something. It’s a system designed to create losers.
  5. Coverage is still abysmal. Over the years, WotC has received countless feedback, and all we have to show for it is an advantage bar. Worlds is using a pair of dead formats (Kaladesh Standard and Dominaria draft) and was barely advertised. Why would anyone watch this? If it was a timing constraint to have the event on the weekend before the prerelease, you can use Modern.
  6. With people like Alex Bertoncini and Jared Boettcher still playing Magic, it doesn’t send a strong enough message to those who would consider cheating. I am not comfortable with thieves being allowed inside tournament halls.
Some Anecdotes
1) As I write this, I’m sitting in my Las Vegas hotel room, waiting for the tournament to happen. We had to show up on Tuesday despite most of us having no commitments until midday Thursday. Decklists were due Tuesday, which basically meant Monday because of the forced travel on Tuesday. Plus, that information was communicated very late, which threw off many of the competitor’s plans.
Leading up to Worlds, we were spammed with nine emails of varying importance. Buried in one of those (rather lengthy) emails was a small paragraph about needing to RSVP by a certain deadline if you wanted to have a +1, which lead to a tweet from Ben Stark about how his girlfriend wouldn’t be allowed in the venue. Several others chimed in that they were in the same situation with their significant others.
That was eventually fixed, but certainly not before it caused a bunch of unnecessary stress on the competitors and their loved ones. I both understand and respect the reasons for increasing security, but this situation is another instance of WotC’s poor communication. That was an important topic and should have been stressed rather than added to an email as an afterthought.
2) After Pro Tour 25th Anniversary, players had to figure out team series rosters for the next year and scout for potential sponsors, but it was impossible due to the lack of information WotC had given us. Is there a team Pro Tour? What if members our team fail to achieve Gold status for the last half of the season? No one had any answers to these questions. We were told to wait for more information and still don’t have all the answers.
3) Leading up to GP Sao Paulo, the @wizards_magicbr account made four tweets about the GP, starting only five days before. They mentioned three artists and a panel with two WotC employees -- Nothing about the tournament itself, nothing about the reigning Player of the Year or most recent Pro Tour champion in attendance, and nothing about the tournament itself.
There is room to promote new sets, artists, cosplayers, and players. Better yet, work with your visible players to help promote these things.
4) Remember Pro Tour Dominaria when Channel Fireball’s innovative G/U Karn deck was somehow posted on coverage? Their entire tournament was potentially ruined and all they got was an apology. These mistakes severely impact tournament integrity, are not acceptable, and would have been easily avoidable if those responsible for coverage were familiar with Standard and could recognize that G/U Karn was a new archetype.
5) Everything surrounding the Silver Showcase was a disaster. If you want to get fresh eyeballs on Magic, there are diminishing returns on inviting three Hearthstone pros, who likely share some chunk of the same audiences. Two of the players were former Magic players who left the game in search of greener pastures and were rewarded for it, not only by being successful, but by WotC themselves.
The format they played (booster draft with Beta and other old packs) isn’t something that can be replicated by the viewers. The format was also not the best showcase for how great of a game Magic is. Imagine if a Beta draft were your first introduction to Magic -- would a bunch of simplistic cards capture your attention by today’s standards? If you did enjoy it, you couldn't even replicate the experience.
The budget for organized play is already small, and occasionally, a large chunk of the money funneled through it is wasted on things like this.
What I’d Like to Change
  1. Star-build. This doesn’t come at the expense of something else. Don’t be too proud to take note of some of the things SCG does. Create player-driven narratives, do interviews beyond deck techs, and have slides with player information. Professional players are the least utilized tool at WotC’s disposal. Many of them have larger Twitter followings than WotC’s official accounts. Don’t have the budget for players? That’s cool, we understand. However, a kit detailing what sponsors can expect from a broadcast would be incredibly helpful, as they are mostly interested in visibility. The Pro Tour team series was supposed to make things easier for players to get sponsorships, but if you were one of the many who didn’t know that Worlds was this weekend, that should speak for itself.
  2. Hire commentators who can follow the game, are familiar with the format(s), and can provide engaging commentary. Other things, like production value and how to make limited interesting, can come second. Flashy animations, bright lights, and a huge purse might make players check it out, but if the commentary isn’t engaging, they will leave.
  3. Create more Pro Tour invites. Allow more players to reach their dreams and play with the game’s best. More winners = more happy players, and happy players will continue to play your game and spend money while doing so. Don't ignore the LATAM and APAC communities. They deserve just as much chance to get on the Pro Tour as anyone else.
  4. I’d like WotC to value the working relationships they have with partners and various community members. Their actions have indicated that they feel like everyone is replaceable, but that’s only true if you don’t care about your product and/or community being the best it can possibly be.
Won’t the pro player ambassadors help with these situations?
Maybe, but I doubt it. Pro players have had regular meetings with WotC officials at Pro Tours for a while now and very little has come from it. Our feedback is heard, but rarely implemented. If I thought having pro player ambassadors wouldn’t be more of the same, I would have happily applied myself.
Doesn’t the addition of two Pro Tours per year mean things are getting better?
Again a maybe, but I don’t think so. Pro players don’t receive additional benefits for these tournaments (including flights). While their overall equity rises with two more juicy tournaments per year, we also incur extra costs associated with travel and time, both of which are drastically understated. I imagine things become much worse for those trying to become pros in the APAC and LATAM regions as well.
Reducing the size of the Pro Tour is a net positive for the players already on the PT since their equity rises further, but what about those in regions where they don't have access to 15 GPs per season? North Americans took 2/3 of the slots this year and that's not an isolated incident.
Why protest at all?
WotC is used to being in a position of power and leveraging that however they can. Why invest resources into Magic Online when it continues to make money? Why increase GP payouts when players show up anyway? Why help pro players when they continue playing regardless?
I want WotC to know that its player base cares about these issues and are willing to sacrifice in order to demonstrate that. At the end of the day, we all love Magic and want it to be the very best version of itself that it could possibly be. We have shown that we care by continuing to play the game and hoping that things get better, but that clearly hasn't worked.
Finally, I’d like to apologize. The judges and tournament officials on site aren’t responsible for any of this, yet they are the ones who are going to be stressed and take the brunt of the fallout, and I'm sorry they'll have to deal with that. I want to apologize to the players. Worlds is the tournament I hold in the highest regard and I’d like it to be about celebrating the players' achievements rather than tarnish it by continuing to point out all the negativity surrounding the community. I also want to apologize to any fans of mine or anyone who was planning on having an enjoyable weekend watching their favorite game played at the highest level without any drama involved.
submitted by TH4G3 to magicTCG [link] [comments]

Spin Casino 60 gratis spins and 100 free bonus (register now)

Spin Casino 60 gratis spins and 100 free bonus (register now)

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Sign up with Spin Casino and benefit from 60 Gratis Spins on Immortal Romance slot by Microgaming. Plus, you will be rewarded with a 100% welcome bonus up to a hefty $1000!!!
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Spin Casino Review

There’s nothing quite like watching the colorful symbols of a slot machine spin as the anticipation of Lady Luck showering you with riches builds to a fever pitch, is there?
That’s what Spin Casino is all about, and today I’m going to show you everything there is to know about it.
Pull up a stool beside me and grab yourself a beverage, because I’m going to be pressing all the buttons, unlocking all the features, and assessing whether or not this casino is rigged or straight.
By the time our session is done today, you’ll know just about everything there is to know about Spin Casino.
So, is this one likely to pay out the jackpot, or is it a flop that never pays no matter how much you feed into it?
We’re going to find out all of that and more in this Spin Casino review!

Is Spin Casino Legit?

Yes, Spin Casino is a legit online gambling site. I know this for the following reasons:
  • It has gaming licenses from the Malta Gaming Authority and the Kahnawake Gaming Commission
  • This is a Microgaming casino. These guys don’t work with swindlers and con artists. Their reputation is pure gold in this industry
  • It’s run by the Palace Group. They’re highly reputable and run several other well-known casinos such as Spin Palace and Ruby Fortune.

About Spin Casino

I’m a little like the Kojak of online casinos, minus the lollipop and shades. I don’t just take things at face value – I investigate and try to find out all I can about the operator. I’m happy to report that what I found out about Spin Casino is impressive.
As you can see, everything about this casino passes the initial smell test. It’s 100% legitimate and is run by highly professional operators. The fact that all of the games are powered by Microgaming means eCOGRA has tested the payouts and verified them fair. As far as I’m concerned, that’s awesome news.
I always like to make a comment on the site design. This one looks fantastic! It’s got a bright pink and white theme, and everything is laid out in logical, common-sense order. That goes for the mobile site, too. I visited on both Android and iOS devices, and it was a dream to use.
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The Good Stuff

Every gambling site has its strengths and weaknesses. This one is no exception. Here’s what I like about Spin Casino.

Highly Reputable Operator

I always like knowing I’m in safe hands when gambling online.
This casino is run by one of the big hitters in the iGaming industry – The Palace Group. That means everything runs professionally, and you’ll be in the hands of pros.
They’ve been around since 2001 and count themselves as part of the Prima Network. As one of the largest networks in the world, they safely support over 500,000 registered players.

Huge Selection of World-Class Games

Most of the games at this casino are powered by Microgaming, with the exception of the live dealer games, which are powered by Evolution Gaming/Ezugi.
There are over 600 games in total including slot machines, video poker, table and card games, and the aforementioned live dealer games.

Sports Betting Available

I like a cheeky punt on soccer and boxing matches, and I’m glad that I’ll be able to place my bets while playing casino games at the same time. The sportsbook is technically a separate site, but it’s all operated by the same firm, and you can navigate to it straight from

The Bad Stuff

I’ve yet to come across a gambling site that scores perfect marks in every category. This one has a few flaws, too.

No Poker Tournaments

As one of the few game types not supported by Spin Casino, if you like to challenge other players in Texas Hold’em or Omaha tournaments, you’ll have to do so elsewhere.
While they don’t appear to have anything against them, there are no dedicated poker rooms or tournaments available for players.

No US Players

It’s no secret that US players have a hard time finding online casinos that accept them. Unfortunately, this is yet another that doesn’t. Don’t worry, though, because we have a full list of US gambling sites that will welcome you with open arms.
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Game Selection

This is what I like to call a “full-scale” online casino, meaning whatever type of game you want to play, you’ll be able to do so here. You’ll find hundreds of slots, dozens of video poker games, and lots of digital and live dealer blackjack/roulette games.
In this section, I’ll show you everything you need to know about these games, which firms power them, and how much they’ll cost you to play.


The casino games at Spin Casino are powered by Microgaming, Evolution Gaming, and Ezugi. If you know about casino games at all, you’ll already know that these are top-level operators who produce world-class, fair, reliable casino games.
That tells me everything I need to know in advance – the gaming experience here will be second to none. Nonetheless, let’s look at the games in more detail. I’ll show you exactly what games are available in each category and what I make of them.


If you love to spin the reels in the hope of landing that one payout that changes it all, you’ll be spoiled for choice here. I love slots, and I recommend the following games at Spin Casino:
  • 108 Heroes
  • Agent Jane Blonde
  • Bar Bar Black Sheep
  • Bikini Party
  • Candy Dreams
  • Treasure Nile (Jackpot)
  • Dragon Dance
  • Dream Date
  • Exotic Cats
  • Forbidden Throne
  • Frozen Diamonds
  • Game of Thrones
  • Girls With Guns
  • Mega Moolah (Jackpot)
  • Immortal Romance
  • Shoot
  • Titans of the Sun
  • King Cashalot (Jackpot)
  • Bridezilla
  • Gold Factory
  • Jekyll & Hyde
  • Thunderstruck II
  • White Buffalo
There are currently 315 slots available at Spin Casino. Since they’re powered by Microgaming, it probably doesn’t need to be stated that they’re all world-class games. You can try all of them in “demo mode” if you want to experiment with any of them.

Video Poker

If you’ve read any of my casino reviews before, you’ll already know that I play video poker more than any other game. It’s the strategy, you see. I love knowing that I have some control and that my skill will be rewarded, rather than being at the mercy of chance alone.
If you feel the same way, check out the following games:
  • Aces & Eights
  • Aces & Faces
  • All Aces
  • Deuces Wild
  • Deuces Wild Bonus Poker
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • Jacks or Better
  • All American Poker
  • Bonus Poker
  • Bonus Poker Deluxe
  • Deuces & Joker
  • Double Bonus Poker
  • Double Joker Poker
  • Hold’em High Gold Series
  • Joker Poker
  • Louisiana Double Poker
  • Tens or Better
These video poker games are powered by Quickfire/Microgaming. You’ll be able to bet between $1 and $25 per hand. The games are flawless and run as smooth as silk.
As with the other games, you can play these games for free. This will allow you to assess their quality for yourself and test your video poker strategies.

Table Games

You just can’t beat good old table and card games. They make a casino what it is, don’t they? You’ll be able to play the following games and variants at Spin Casino:
  • Atlantic City Blackjack
  • Classic Blackjack
  • European Blackjack Gold Series
  • Vegas Blackjack Gold Series
  • Vegas Strip Gold Series
  • Big Five Blackjack
  • Bonus Blackjack Gold Series
  • Double Exposure Blackjack
  • HiLo 13 European Blackjack
  • Perfect Pairs European Blackjack
  • Vegas Downtown Blackjack
  • Spanish Blackjack Gold Series
  • Super Fun 21
  • Roulette
  • European Roulette
  • French Roulette
  • Multi Wheel Roulette
  • Premier Roulette
  • Diamond Edition Roulette
  • Spingo
  • Wheel of Riches
  • Baccarat
  • Baccarat Gold Series
  • Craps
I love that all the games are offered in demo mode here. There were a few variants I hadn’t played in a while, and I was able to familiarize myself with them again without playing for real money. I suggest you check them out for yourself, and you’ll see that they’re all high-quality.
Bets range from $0.50 to $500. Whether you’re a high-stakes player or are more conservative, you’ll be welcome here.
>> Get Free Spins Now <<

Live Casino

Live casino games are the present and the future of online table and card games, and you’ll be able to play the best of them here. Check out the following games:
  • Baccarat
  • Blackjack
  • Casino Hold ‘Em
  • Dream Catcher
  • Football Studio
  • Ultimate Texas Hold’em
  • Dragon Tiger Live
  • Roulette
  • Shangri La Roulette
  • Lightning Roulette
The live games are powered by Evolution Gaming and Ezugi, which now flies under the Evolution Gaming banner. Unlike most of the other games here, you’ll have to pay to play these from the start. There are no demo modes or free play versions available.
You can sit and watch for a while, but when you’re ready to play, you’ll be able to bet from $0.10 to $5,000, depending on the game and variant.

My Favorite Find at Spin Casino

My favorite find at Spin Casino is my favorite slot ever – Thunderstruck II. It’s probably Microgaming’s best game of all time and has truly stood the test of time.
With a cool “Norse gods” theme and a cracking multi-level free spins round, you don’t want to miss this game. It doesn’t have the biggest jackpot Microgaming has to offer, but it’s highly entertaining and could put a healthy balance in your account.


If you like having a punt on games, matches, fights, and sporting events of various stripes and colors, you’ll be happy here. You can bet on the following sports:
  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Ice Hockey
  • American Football
  • Handball
  • Volleyball
  • Cricket
  • Rugby Union
  • Rugby League
  • Esports
  • Specials
  • Virtual Sports
  • Boxing
  • Golf
  • Badminton
  • Futsal
  • Winter Sports
  • MMA
  • Snooker
  • Baseball
  • Cycling
  • Many More!
You’ll find all of the sports you can bet on listed on the left-hand menu. Some of the more popular sports are also listed on a sticky menu at the top of the main lobby page.
It’s a fairly straightforward sportsbook, although it is modern and interactive in terms of its design. There are no special features to speak of. That’s not a bad thing, in my view. I prefer simple and to the point rather than complex and convoluted, but that’s just me.
The most important thing is that this is a user-friendly site. Whether you’re using a desktop or mobile device, you’ll be able to find everything easily and will find all sports and events categorized in an intuitive, logical way.
The ability to view odds in decimal, fractional, and American formats wins major points with me. It’s these little things that show Spin Sports has put time and effort into making the user experience as enjoyable as possible. There’s nothing worse than having to convert odds in your head or on some notepaper.
The site is 100% mobile-friendly. I visited on my Android phone and found it a breeze to use. You’ll see all of the popular sports on a sticky menu at the top, there’s a search feature so you can quickly find action on sports you love, and you’ll see all of the current and upcoming events right below that.
There are no apps, but that’s okay. The mobile site is so easy to use that you won’t need them anyway.


The esports sector is on fire right now, and it’s great to see Spin Sports embracing it. You’ll find action on Dota 2, CS:GO, LoL, Starcraft 2, Rainbow Six, and Rocket League.
Leagues include the European Championship, Dream League, The United Masters League, and various other global leagues and tournaments. If esports is your thing, you’ll be happy here.

Live Betting

No modern sports betting site would be complete without enabling live/in-play betting. You’ll be able to bet on soccer, basketball, tennis, volleyball, golf, futsal, and table tennis.
There are lots of betting markets across these sports, but let’s focus on the most popular sport for in-play betting – soccer. You can wager on total score, next team to score, penalties, total goals in each half, results in each half, and lots of proposition bets such as the outcomes of corners, free kicks, and many other things.
I’ve seen some sites with a bigger range of live betting markets, but if this isn’t enough for you, it might be wise to seek help because you probably have a problem.


Spin Casino has a great welcome bonus and a unique way of rewarding ongoing players. As you’ll see, rather than a bunch of gimmicky bonuses for each day of the week, you’ll win regular rewards by spinning a bonus wheel. This adds an element of excitement into the mix, and I like it a lot.
Let’s check those bonuses out then, shall we?

Welcome Bonus

As a new player, Spin Casino will give you three separate deposit bonuses to get you started. Here’s what you can get:
  1. You can get 100% up to $400
  2. You’ll get another 100% up to $300
  3. Then you’ll be eligible for another 100% bonus up to $300
The minimum deposit required to activate this is $10, and the wagering requirements are 50x. Those could be a little lower, but it’s a big bonus, so we can make allowances.

Bonus Wheel

Rather than lots of ongoing daily and weekly promotions, Spin Casino has come up with a unique and innovative way to make sure you’re rewarded often.
You’ll regularly be offered free spins on the bonus wheel and will win free spins, cash credits, deposit bonuses, loyalty points, and more.
Of course, standard wagering requirements apply. You didn’t think the casino would give you freebies and let you walk away, did ya?

Spin Sports Free Bet

If you decide to make use of the sports betting service, you’ll be eligible for a $200 free bet bonus. It’s a deposit match offer worth 100% of whatever you deposit, with $10 being the minimum and $200 being the maximum.
This is a straightforward deal. There are two main stipulations you need to be aware of – you’ll have to claim the offer within 7 days, and 5x playthrough requirements apply at odds of 1.3 or greater.
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Let’s now take a look at the banking options available. This is a section I always pay particular attention to since it tells me lots about the gambling site. If there are any hidden nasties, I’ll normally find them here.
There are no extra deposit or withdrawal fees, but do check with your bank or card issuer. Some payment providers do charge extra fees for gambling transactions.
There are plenty of ways to make deposits and withdrawals here. Note that the withdrawal method you use will have to be the same as your deposit method thanks to anti-money laundering laws.
You can’t use cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum at this casino. Perhaps that’ll change in the future.
The maximum withdrawal you can make in a 24-hour period is $10,000.

Deposit Methods

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • Instadebit
  • iDebit
  • eCheck
  • Much Better
  • Paysafecard
  • Neosurf
  • ecoPayz
  • Flexepin
  • Instant Banking

Withdrawal Methods

  • Visa
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • Paysafecard
  • ecoPayz
  • Neosurf
  • eCheck
  • iDebit
  • Instant Banking

VIP Program

Spin Casino has a multi-level loyalty club with progressive benefits. That means each time you reach a new level, you’ll unlock a bunch of new rewards.
There are six levels in all – Blue, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Prive.
As with most loyalty schemes, you’ll earn points. Each 1,000 “Club Points” will be worth $10. Here’s what’s on offer at the various levels:
  • Blue – You’ll get access to exclusive tournaments and $500
  • Silver – You’ll receive the same benefits as blue level, but your bonus will be worth $1,000
  • Gold – At this level, you’ll get all the perks of silver, but your bonus will increase to $2,000, and you’ll unlock access to new tournaments
  • Platinum – Here, you’ll get all the gold-level perks plus a $5,000 bonus, access to exclusive tournaments, and your own account manager who you can contact 24/7
  • Diamond – At this level, your bonus will be worth $7,500, you’ll get your own VIP territory manager, and you’ll have access to your own personal phone number
  • Prive – Your monthly bonuses will be worth $10,000 at this level, you’ll get all the diamond-level perks, plus invitations to global events, and exclusive gifts and bonuses
All in all, this is a generous VIP program albeit a standard one in terms of format. You’ll be well rewarded here.

Customer Service

If you need to reach out about anything, which you will at some point no matter how good a casino is, you have the following options.
Email – There’s an email form on the site that you can submit comments and questions through. Expect a reply within 24 hours.
Live Chat – A much faster way to get in touch is via live chat. I did have to wait roughly two minutes before getting connected, but the answers I got regarding bonus offers were satisfactory, and the live chat agent was friendly.
I’d like to see a telephone hotline option, but this is good enough for now, and the service is fine. Perhaps as this casino grows, telephone support will be added.

Would I Play at Spin Casino?

Yes, I’d most definitely play at this casino, and in fact, I will be doing just that from now on. It’s rare that a casino I review wins me over as a player, but this one has done the trick.
If you’re after world-class games (and plenty of them), ongoing bonuses and rewards, fair banking policies, and solid customer support, look no further – you’ve found your site in Spin Casino.
Go ahead and check it out for yourself. We promise you’ll like it!
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submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

99.9% successful formula Wynnslot + AMA

Ok, I think I have done enough testing to know the 99.9% certain formula for doing the Wynn hotel free stay thing. While paying as little as possible and more importantly, waste as little time as possible. This is proven (to the best of my ability) as I have done it myself. Cashed out 6 night and 6 buffets within 1 month of playing.
Requirement: A reasonably modern PC. I used this trick on an AMD 200GE with 8 GB ram. That is about as entry-level as it gets. You can use a phone, you can use a tablet, but none of which are optimal.
An alternative is using an android phone/tablet that you don't actually use.
Instruction: Step one: Download Bluestack, any PC will do, go to setting and set it to use Direct X instead of OpenGL and it will run the game faster.
Step two: Sign in Google play store, download this two apps:
Step three: Make sure Bluestack and both games/apps are fully updated. Then launch the clicker, and launch the game. Optionally sign into the game for extra starting coin with your Facebook account and have your progress saved on their server. You will need to do that anyway if you want to book a hotel.
You can not use more than one account for one person, but you can ask to combine the stay for different people. You are required to use your real name and you can only be able to check-in with matching name. So, you can not give your reservation away. (However, you can use bluestack to run several accounts at the same time to run up your account and give to other people to sign in and essentially "gave" them your account long as you haven't sign in with any account yet. This part might be risky.)
Game concept: You have 8 millions of starting chips. Your goal is to increase chips. Each bet you make will earn you gems. Gems can be redeemed for a free hotel stay (up to 4 days max) at Vynn in Las Vegas only, does not work for the one in Marcu. Also, give you a free buffet. You will need something called VIP level 2 (10k VIP point) to start redeeming hotel stays. Currently, it is NOT possible to get to VIP level 2 without pay. However, with optimal playing, you can get to VIP level 2 with roughly $40 CAD (Roughly 3000 VIP point) and about a month's time of playing.
How to get VIP point - Two ways, event, and chest
How events work: Each day will 4 events, one big event at noon our time, another one at 8:30 PM (PST Time), 12 AM, and 5 AM, and 9 AM. Big event when completed, give you 25 VIP points, another one gives you 9 VIP points. Each event has a set of objectives, they are randomized, but usually 4 out of the 5 following objectives:
How chest works Just go to the bonus button and open the chest. It is free. The gold one gives you 5 VIP every 4 hours, The wheel gives you 15 VIP point very 12 hours.
So, if you only look at the game once a day at around 5 PM, you can complete the big event and get the chest for roughly 45 VIP points. If you look at the game once at 5 and another time at 10 you can get 65 VIP, how soon you want them is up to you. But there is a time limit. You do need to get 4000 points within 90 days if you want to get the level up for free.
How to earn coins
Once you have 500 spins. Go do the event scratcher, they will give you free coin as well between 3 - 12 million each. Opening chests can also net you a couple of million a day depends on your luck and timing.
In a couple of days, you should get up to 50 million. It depends on how many events you do and how often you open chests. So you can move to the next step.
Go to a game called "Firebird" and set the auto clicker to autoplay the Hyper bonus button. It will be 1 million to buy three spins (again, only this bet level works. Another betting amount will consistently lose). The confirmation button should also be in the same place. So you can keep clicking the same spot with the clicker, Leave it overnight and you should net roughly 50 million to 500 million a day. It depends on your luck. For me, even at the worst of time it always break-even. AKA you are still earning gem even if you are not increasing your bankroll significantly. There is no draw back to this trick.
How to earn gems:
You earn by betting. The Firebird Hyper bonus alone should be enough, but once you have a few billions bankroll, you can go play a game called "Hong Bao" and buy the hyper bonus that can cost pretty much as you can afford without dropping your bankroll below 1 billion. You can also use this to finish the betting requirement for each event quickly. Since Firebird Hyper bonus at 1 million will always win in the long term, and you have to bet anyway to get gems. Losing bankroll is fine long as you don't go completely broke.
Earn level decrease gradually as your account "level up" (Not to be confused as VIP level, those are two things) but there is no tactic around this. As the level increase is mandatory. The basic math is that it is around 20 million in betting to earn you one gem. And each night of hotel is roughly 1.5k gems to 7k gems per night (depends on the time of the year. There are very few blackout dates).
There is a facebook group around this game but joining should not be necessary. This post should have all the information you need to get gems long as you are not trying to earn it in a hurry.
And at the maximum, you will be paying $100~ (they do accept google credit) for 4 nights at probably the best base rate hotel in LV (Second to Encore, but Encore is available as an upgrade from your free stay at the manned check-in desk most of the time. Just ask them. No need to tips).
To further optimize this pay, you can sign up for Google opinion reward ahead of time and do surveys for Google credit. I have two accounts that I have been doing for years. So I ended up having just enough to top up one account to VIP2 without issue.
I would recommend not to tell people about any of these findings publically because what I found might be considered exploits, ie: Using auto clicker, playing games that always have a positive payout, and risk having Wynn change the rule on us. As most of those are against the spirit of their TOS.
I understand it is ironic to say this considering that I'm posting this guide. However, I already did this all and don't plan on doing it again. So I'm just passing on my luck and hope this will help the rest of you getting what you need with an easier time.
This is really just to give you all an understanding of how this game is played and what kind of effort is needed for what kind of reward. For me, it was just a challenge to see if I can figure it out and get free stuff. ( I started in early October. Already got enough to book in early November. Booked 6 night and redeemed a total of 6 buffets in two accounts) As for anything else like this, YMMV when it comes to how it works for you, whether it is worth it. Or whether they will change the rules/payout/shut down the game at any given time. Which is always a possibility.
I also spent a good deal of time reading through Facebook group and other tips and tricks. Feel free to Ask me Anything here. I will answer to the best of my ability.
submitted by Cucumference to WynnSlots [link] [comments]

PART TWO (THE DRAFT, UDFAS, AND SUMMARY): A 2020 Offseason GM Experiment

Thank you for reading part one earlier, this is a continuation of that post which goes over the draft, UDFAs, and a summary at the end.

So in the first two phases, I felt like I ended up putting myself in a good spot for the draft by adding a high-potential veteran LB in Kirksey, a true elite CB1 in Roby and a slot corner in Moseley, some solid interior OL depth in McGovern, Brunskill, and Coward while still retaining Jones, Mahomes, and depth players like Ogbah, Breeland, and Wylie. For me, this meant going into the draft I had the following needs (in order):
  1. CB2
  2. LB
  3. IOL
  4. Z Receiver
  5. RB
  6. Backup SS (may need to start first few games of the season)
  7. Backup 3T
  8. Backup/Developmental OT
  9. Backup TE
So with those needs in mind and a five day one and day two picks and two day three picks, I made the following moves:
Analysis: I was working the phones like crazy here, starting the day before up until a few minutes before the pick was due. First, I was considering moving up to the 28-29 range if one of LB Kenneth Murray, CB C.J. Henderson, or G Cesar Ruiz was available, but they were all gone by pick 27 and it cost me more than I was comfortable with to move up farther than 28. I then had a deal in place with Detroit to drop three spots and pick up a fourth and fifth round pick if WR Justin Jefferson was there, but Green Bay taking him at 30 ruined that. I had a few other offers - some were laughable and some were fair, and I ended up on trading it to Arizona for picks 2.43, 6.202, and a future 3rd. I felt good with my board and still getting at least one of 12 players that I had targeted as late first or early second round picks that provided value and were good fits for KC. Assuming Arizona wins the Super Bowl next year (lol they won't) and it ends up as the last pick in the third round, it still came out with getting more value than what I was sending (a 102% payout - for reference, an average QB move up in the first round is the highest payout average among positions at 103% of pick value). The goal was to still be able to get one of the players I wanted to target in the 32 to 35 area while getting a few more picks for ammo to move up or to take depth.
For a comparison, in this mock, Detroit gave up pick #26 for a mid to late second and late third. Meanwhile, I managed to get an early to mid second and a future mid third plus a sixth for a pick that was later in the first because realistically, Arizona will likely finish 2021 with somewhere between a 6-10 and 9-7 record, meaning it's an additional mid-third round pick in 2021 which can be used as extra tradebait to move around or add depth after losing the 2021 fifth and sixth round picks in the Kirksey and Watkins trades.
Round 1, Pick 32: TRADED TO ARIZONA
Round 2, Pick 43: Brandon Aiyuk, WR, Arizona State
Analysis: Well, this fell almost perfect. Only 6 of the 12 players I had as targets at 43 had been taken, so I had my choice of what to target: WR (Aiyuk, Higgins, or Mims), CB (Diggs or Dantzler), or RB (Dobbins). For me, it was between taking a WR or CB even though Dobbins was the highest rated player on my board because I felt the positional value of a RB would be ideal for a late second round pick if Dobbins fell (or I also felt good about Edwards-Helaire or Moss in the back of the third) and so I ended up going WR since I liked the CB depth at the back of round two. Aiyuk was the guy I was going to take at 32 if I was unable to move down before, so this was a win-win for me (and received props from two other GMs who had been looking to take Aiyuk). He's a start-ready receiver, who despite having a disappointing 40 at the combine of a 4.50, has a game built in a very similar manner to Sammy Watkins or Robert Woods. He'd be a great Z receiver in the Chiefs' system because he's loose in his frame and fluid in his routes, has solid hands, a great ability to track the ball on deep throws, can burn a defense deep but also has the twitchiness to make plays in the open field (he was known as the YAK or Yards After King in college), and is an explosive athlete with his speed, size, and quickness. He does struggle against press coverage, but that's the one thing Reid's offensive scheming accounts for the best, so I think that gets hidden well in Kansas City's system. I gave him an early second round grade as the 31st player on my board, but firmly believe he goes in round one and rumors are NFL teams like him even more than his former ASU teammate, 2019 first rounder N'Keal Harry. The fact that he slid this far was a steal for me and I didn't hesitate on this pick.
Analysis: I had one player left that was rated in the top 32 of my board, is an excellent fit for Kansas City, and I had no intention of taking him thinking he wouldn't slip this far down. In fact, this prospect was rated higher than my first pick Brandon Aiyuk, but I felt the positional value at WR was greater at the time instead of taking this player, but now that he fell, I felt sliding up a few picks and taking him was a solid value pick that hit a need. In terms of the trade, I would have gotten back more value than I sent if I had sent the second and fourth straight up for the second, but I convinced him to also send back a sixth that I could either use for ammo moving up into the fifth or for depth, so I really felt I won this trade just from a trade value perspective in addition to who I added with pick 58...
Round 2, Pick 58: J.K. Dobbins, RB, Ohio State
Analysis: I'll be honest, coming into this I had absolutely no intention of taking a RB before round 3 and instead targeting Clyde Edwards-Helaire if he fell to me in the back of the third (he went less than twenty picks later) or Zack Moss at 101, and knowing Reid hasn't taken RBs early was also a factor in that strategy. But then I saw the RBs fall - first Taylor and Swift went in the early second, and then Dobbins was there by the time the Minnesota was picking at #57, so I quickly called up the Houston GM and struck a deal. As for Dobbins, he's my RB2 and 28th overall on my board and has incredible vision and anticipation behind the line with a slippery ability to escape early line penetration. He pairs smooth and quick footwork, great balance, and power in short yardage situations with his natural hands in pass catching and seemed to show up biggest in big games. His cuts often led to explosive runs and he's even a high-effort and effective pass blocker, giving him the ability to truly be a 3-down workhorse. If I had to give a few comps for Dobbins, it'd be between the following three:
  1. Stronger, Less Injured Dalvin Cook
  2. Explosive Josh Jacobs
  3. Edgerrin James-lite
(Also, I hate NFL comps to HOFers because it sets unrealistic expectations, but his play style seems very similar to James' so it's a natural fit. He's also got similar size to James - a hair shorter, but same size arms, weight, and bigger hands - and has the same play style with his balance, explosiveness, and power that James had.)
His versatility and explosiveness would make for a great pair with Mahomes, giving him an explosive runner, dynamic short-yardage security blanket passing if need be, and a protector against blitzing LBers on deeper passing sets. He was too good of a difference maker there to pass up for an offense that is lacking at RB (especially given 5 out of the 6 backs on the rostePS will be free agents in 2021).
Analysis: The move down here was fairly simple. I didn't have a fifth round pick after trading it for Roby and I knew the player I wanted at 63 would be there for me at 67, so the move down just helped me regain that lost pick. The trade value was fairly equal and I did come out slightly ahead, but for me it was more about getting a pick back knowing that I could still take the player I wanted four picks later.
Round 3, Pick 67: Michael Ojemudia, CB, Iowa
Analysis: I heavily considered linebacker here as I love Troy Dye out of Oregon, but I had two corners with similar second round grades here and then a huge gap for corners that fit Kansas City with my next corner coming with a late 4th round grade whereas I had a few linebackers in that third round range. I love Ojemudia probably more than most, and he's a prospect that needs to fit in a specific scheme. Lucky for me, Kansas City is one of those teams. He's one of the best zone corners in this class in my opinion and in coverage can remind me a lot of another Iowa corner I loved more than most and who I had given a first round grade to - Desmond King, who despite being a fifth round pick three years ago, has already been a first-team All-Pro at corner. His hips aren't that fluid, which is his biggest weakness for me, but he's a lengthy corner and is aggressive in zone, baits the quarterback well, and jumps plays routinely while reading the quarterback, even seemingly before the quarterback knows what he's going to do. He's physical in man coverage and jams well at the line, is a natural receiver with solid ball production at Iowa, and at the combine showed the necessary speed to play deep in man just fine as well (running a 4.45). He's also willingly physical in run support and seems to fully embrace that aspect of the game as well, which isn't all that common for a corner as good in zone coverage as he is. He'd be best suited to start as the CB2 on a team and transition into the CB1 role (which having Roby on the roster allows him to do) and to me, he felt like the ideal pick here to continue adding to the CB room at the start of round 3.
Analysis: After taking Ojemudia, that left two primary positions I wanted to address by the end of day two: IOL and LB. I had 3 LBs and 3 IOL remaining in the same late-second to mid-third tier with a steep drop off after that for both positions. I had decided I needed to take one of Troy Dye, Malik Harrison, or Jordyn Brooks in round three and I needed to take one of Matt Hennessy, Netane Muti, and Tyler Biadasz. I didn't think any team in the next ten picks was going to take any of the six based on what needs they had left so started thinking about moving up only if necessary, only to watch Dye, Muti, and Biadasz surprise me and go in the ten picks after I took Ojemudia. So I convinced Las Vegas to take the #101 pick instead of #96 and then used the fifth I picked up from Detroit to drop back four spots in the early third and flipped it to Las Vegas in order to move up 21 spots into the middle of the third and secure the last player in one of those tiers...
Round 3, Pick 80: Matt Hennessy, IOL, Temple
Analysis: I felt especially good about moving up and making this pick when I watched 3 IOL go between 80 and my original 101 pick and 13 interior linemen go in the 60 picks after I took Hennessy, and almost all of them I gave fifth round grades or worse with teams reaching because there was such a strong run on the position. Hennessy is a plug-and-play interior lineman whose skillset would translate well to either center or guard. My initial read was to place Hennessy at center and slide McGovern to guard as McGovern has experience at guard in the NFL while Hennessy was purely a center in college, but they both have the diversity in skillset to play either (which helps should someone get hurt). He has a great anchor and utilizes leverage well to generate movement in the run game while his quick feet help him avoid losing ground quickly. He's super refined technically, an excellent athlete, and he has a high motor and strives to win every snap. He'd step in immediately and be an NFL average starter with the eventual upside to be a Pro Bowl caliber center. He compares favorably to a guy like Corey Kinsley (Kinsley is the Packers starting center who, according to Approximate Value, is the the fifth best center in the last fifteen years based on the first six years of their career [how long Kinsley has played]. He's behind only Travis Frederick, Maurkice Pouncey, Nick Mangold, and Justin Britt).
Round 3, Pick 96: Jordyn Brooks, LB, Texas Tech
Analysis: As I got closer to this pick, I was feeling good. Both Malik Harrison and Jordyn Brooks were there when Denver selected at 95, so I was guaranteed one of my tier 2 LBs. Harrison ended up going at 95 unfortunately, but I was still happy to land Brooks, who I think will be a 4-3 MIKE at the next level but has the skillset to also succeed at the WILL. Brooks is a big, physical linebacker who is also rangy, athletic, and loves to attack the ball and get downhill. He's again a high-motor, tone-setting linebacker who on tape appears to have the qualities you look for in a defensive leader. His two biggest issues for me are a lack of experience in coverage and needing to push through blocks better, although he can slip through gaps well, it's just a bit more of a struggle for him with a lineman can get his hands on him. For me, I think he would benefit greatly from being able to sit behind Kirksey/Hitchens and learn from the linebacking room and develop that coverage ability and get more comfortable with it and then step into the starting role in 2021. He's a guy that with that development and easing into the NFL could be a true defensive leader, and playmaker for the Chiefs, just like he was at Texas Tech.
Round 6, Pick 202: Trey Adams, OT, Washington
Analysis: I didn't expect Adams to be here. I have a third round grade on his tape and so I think frankly that the injury history scared a lot of teams off, but I decided to take the chance. He's a high-risk, high-reward tackle who showed length, quickness, a high IQ, and power with the capability to be a good starting LT if he can stay healthy. He was explosive in the run game at Washington and showed the ability to swallow up defenders pretty easily thanks to his size and strength. He's technically polished, has fluid and strong hands that can really pack a punch, and seals the edge well. He reminds me a lot of Cordy Glenn in a sense. The big issue will just be whether or not Adams can stay healthy after suffering knee and back injuries while at Washington, but that potential upside and refinement from Adams is worth a sixth round pick.
Round 6, Pick 208: Mike Panasiuk, DT, Michigan State
Analysis: Let's continue with the high upside picks. Panasiuk is a confusing prospect to me. He's got an ideal size and athleticism, he's technically refined, he's powerful up the middle with elite run defense capabilities, he pursues the back side of the play well, and has all the technical tools you look for in a 3-tech to be an excellent pass rusher. But for some reason, he just doesn't have any pass rush production. Part of that is a tendency for him to sit back almost as a QB spy (which could have been a coaching thing for Michigan State), but he just doesn't seem to get the production. If a team can get his technical refinement, athleticism, and skillset to connect with production, he could be a solid starter, or at the very least a very dependable and top-tier backup in the NFL. Given the lack of depth behind Jones outside of Saunders, who can play both 1-tech and 3-tech, he's a perfect developmental backup that could end up making an impact down the line.
Analysis: I only had one player on my board that had a fourth round grade left, and he was at a position of need that provided versatility, upside, and athleticism. For me, sending my extra seventh rounder in 2021 in exchange for moving up and securing a guy I had a fourth round grade on was a pretty good move, considering seventh rounders are usually just high-potential shots in the dark anyway and I had the extra late ammo.Round 6, Pick 212: Luther Kirk, S, Illinois State
Analysis: There may not be a whole lot of people who know his name yet unless you watched the Shrine Bowl practices and game (he won defensive MVP), but he's a small-school guy who I think is being massively overlooked. Like I said, I have a fourth round grade on Kirk and he's my #5 safety in this class. He's got NFL size at 6'2" and 200 lbs. and has versatility in the ability to play nearly every defensive back position. He showed the chops to play nickel corner during the Shrine Bowl (although his man coverage could use some work) while also having played both safety positions while at Illinois State and has the size and capabilities to step in as an outside zone corner pretty quickly if need be. He's rangy, he's got good ball skills, he enjoys physicality, he's athletic, and he blitzes well. The two players in terms of play style he reminds me of is Jamal Adams and Tyrann Matthieu (and Kirk was on record at the Shrine Bowl saying Matthieu was someone he looked up to for play style). For me, a guy like this sitting there that could be the backup for either safety slot and potentially replace Matthieu after his contract was up was way too good to pass up.

tldr; Was active moving all over the board in order to fill a lot of the major holes on the roster by securing a starting Z WR, CB2, RB, and C, a LB who can start in 2021, and a developmental LT, S, and DT as depth.

So the final phase of this whole thing was signing UDFAs and any remaining vets that went unsigned that could be had for vet minimums or a bit more in order to fill in remaining holes on the roster. I made two small moves in vet free agency and then filled the rest of my roster with UDFAs to bring me to 87 out of the 90 players needed in preparation for Training Camp (assuming some camp workouts to fill the final 3 spots). (Also, these explanations will be short so you don't have to read through a billion sentences about 15 different vet minimum or UDFA players).
Signed IOL Stefen Wisniewski to a 2 year, $2.25m contract (AAV of $1.125m with a $300k signing bonus and $600k guaranteed)
I didn't know if I was going to have the money to resign Wisniewski during free agency and held off. He ended up being available and since I had moved down several times, I actually bought myself some cap space and so could afford to bring back some more veteran depth on the line via Wisniewski.
Signed WR Justin Hardy to a 1 year, $850k contract (AAV of $850k with a $100k signing bonus and $200k guaranteed)
This is just the case of adding some cheap veteran depth as Hill and Hardman are the only two WRs on the roster with real NFL experience and so I picked him up to backup Hardman in the slot.
Signed UDFA TE Jared Pinkney to a 3 year, $1.53m contract (AAV of $510k with a $15k signing bonus and $75k guaranteed)
Pinkney was my TE8 and carried a fourth round grade, so for me this was both exceptional UDFA value and depth for a position that again has very little behind Kelce.
Signed UDFA WR Aaron Fuller to a 3 year, $1.53m contract (AAV of $510k with a $7.5k signing bonus and $35k guaranteed)
This is as simple as adding more depth and competition in camp for the slot position because prior to this phase, outside of Hardman, I don't really have anyone on the roster that can play slot reliably.
Signed UDFA CB Stanford Samuels III to a 3 year, $1.53m contract (AAV of $510k with a $7.5k signing bonus and $25k guaranteed)
Samuels is a good fit for the scheme and was my top remaining corner. He's likely more of a potential depth player that could start out on the practice squad.
Signed UDFA WR Quez Watkins to a 3 year, $1.53m contract (AAV of $510k with a $5k signing bonus and $20k guaranteed)
He struggles against the press, but is a burner (4.35s 40) and has special teams capabilities as a returner, so it's adding more of that depth with the ability for him to be the #2 Z receiver behind rookie Brandon Aiyuk.
Signed UDFA DT Robert Landers to a 3 year, $1.53m contract (AAV of $510k with a $5k signing bonus and $15k guaranteed)
He's a strong DT who has some burst off the line to create penetration and is smart with his hands to create leverage, but lacks length and isn't good at change of direction on RB cutbacks.
Signed UDFA G Trystan Colon-Castillo to a 3 year, $1.53m contract (AAV of $510k with a $3k signing bonus and $15k guaranteed)
Not as fluid as one would like in space nor the length one would like, but he gets good leverage and is a high-motor player that constantly looks for work if he's left uncovered.
Signed UDFA LB Khaleke Hudson to a 3 year, $1.53m contract (AAV of $510k with a $3k signing bonus and $15k guaranteed)
Great closing speed in tackling, good strength to take down the ballcarrier, has experience in short zone coverage, and is a fluid athlete when in space but he lacks prototype length and a little undersized.
Signed UDFA RB Reggie Corbin to a 3 year, $1.53m contract (AAV of $510k with a $3k signing bonus and $25k guaranteed)
Corbin reminds me a lot of a player Reid used to coach in Philly: Darren McFadden. He's a change of pace back that's worth a shot in camp and could be a potential practice squad player if he doesn't beat out Thompson or Darrell Williams.
Signed UDFA DE Tyshun Render to a 3 year, $1.53m contract (AAV of $510k with a $10k signing bonus and $50k guaranteed)
You might recognize this name if you've dug into obscure NFL news around the Combine - Tyshun Render is the player Bill Belichick skipped the Combine to go see. He's a high-potential edge rusher that could have an outside shot of making the top 53.
Signed UDFA QB Cole McDonald to a 3 year, $1.53m contract (AAV of $510k with a $10k signing bonus and $50k guaranteed)
McDonald has the arm, but things just didn't click for him at Hawaii in terms of accuracy. He could use some time refining and working on technique, but the arm talent is there.
Signed UDFA SS Geno Stone to a 3 year, $1.53m contract (AAV of $510k with a $2k signing bonus and $15k guaranteed)
Added another heavy hitting safety in Stone. He's a high-instincts, physical, high motor player who isn't all quite prototypical in size or athleticism.
Signed UDFA RB Patrick Taylor Jr. to a 3 year, $1.53m contract (AAV of $510k with a $2k signing bonus and $15k guaranteed)
Taylor was a physical runner at Memphis and he's worth an add at RB due to his production there to see what he could potentially add to the roster.
Signed UDFA LB Chris Orr to a 3 year, $1.53m contract (AAV of $510k with a $2k signing bonus and $10k guaranteed)
Orr has the potential to be the next Wisconsin linebacker to outperform where they went in the draft. He's my least favorite of the UDFAs I signed, but he has enough that at least make him a solid camp body.
tldr; Re-signed Wisniecki, signed vet Justin Hardy, and a bunch of PS possible players with outside shots to make the 53-man roster.
So after all those moves, my projected depth chart for the 53-man roster going into the 2021 season looks something like this:
Position First Team Second Team Third Team
QB Patrick Mahomes Matt Moore
RB J.K. Dobbins Damien Williams Darwin Thompson
X WR Tyreek Hill Felton Davis
Z WR Brandon Aiyuk Byron Pringle
Y WR Mecole Hardman Justin Hardy
TE Travis Kelce Jared Pinckney
LT Eric Fisher Trey Adams
LG Connor McGovern Andrew Wylie Rashaad Coward
C Matt Hennessy Stefen Wisniecki Austin Reiter
RG Daniel Brunskill Martinas Rankin
RT Mitchell Schwartz Greg Senat
LE Frank Clark Breeland Speaks
NT Derrick Nnadi Khalen Saunders
DT Chris Jones Mike Panasiuk
RE Emmanuel Ogbah Tapoh Kpassagnon
SAM Damien Wilson Ben Niemann Darius Harris
MIKE Anthony Hitchens Jordyn Brooks
WILL Christian Kirksey Dorian Daniel
OCB1 Bradley Roby Bashaud Breeland
OCB2 Michael Ojemudia Charvarius Ward
SCB Emmanuel Moseley Rashad Fenton
FS Tyrann Mathieu Armani Watts
SS Juan Thornhill Luther Kirk
K Harrison Butker
P Dustin Colquitt
LS James Winchester
KR Mecole Hardman Brandon Aiyuk
PR Mecole Hardman Brandon Aiyuk

And the Practice Squad would look something like this:

Player Position
Aaron Fuller WR
Cole McDonald QB
Darrell Williams RB
Jackson Barton OT
John Lovett TE
Khaleke Hudson LB
Quez Watkins WR
Reggie Corbin RB
Robert Landers DT
Tim Ward DE
Trystan Colon-Castillo OG
Tyshun Render DE

I'd love to hear your thoughts and if you are one of those who really wanna dig deep, here's my spreadsheet that breaks down annually every contract, explores future dead cap, contains the full 255 pick mock draft, my cap calculator, and the depth chart (and cuts I made). Thanks for taking the time for the long read!
submitted by mockmaster to KansasCityChiefs [link] [comments]

Play Online Pokies

Did you understand that pokies are one of the most played games in gambling enterprises and also on the internet video gaming? Actually, the pokies produce concerning 70 percent of the average gambling establishment's income. This is because they are so simple yet thrilling and also do not require any discovering or special skills. Unlike other gambling games, pokies depend primarily on the player's good luck in mix with couple of essential strategies.
Pokies maker are recognized around the world by different names. In fact possibly you have actually heard a few of them and you just did not recognize that they describe the exact same game. Pokies are referred to as fruit machines, casino poker makers, or gaming machines Australia.
Pokies are wagering makers that have 3 or even more reels that spin whenever you push a switch or move an arm attached to the maker. The land-based pokies also have a coin detector which detects if a coin is inserted. When the coin is put the video game begins quickly. Pictures as well as signs on the screen begin to move up or down and afterwards unexpectedly quit. You win if the images match Complimentary Pokies
A raising number of people have tried playing pokies in real gambling establishments or in the on-line gambling enterprises. Do you understand why? Because as soon as you attempt it, you appreciate it so much that you are being literally formulated to it! You get pleasure from the enjoyment you get every time you rotate the wheel. You enjoy the uncertainty whether you win or shed, which provides a moment of adrenaline thrill. However, for sure, I understand that you like to win as opposed to shed Australia.
Although with pokies you rely mainly on good luck, recognizing its ins as well as outs with the right approach surely helps in raising your chance of winning. If you are aiming at winning a great deal, it is best that you familiarize on your own with establishing reasonable money management and also techniques.
Let's discuss pokies myths. Perhaps you've heard the idea that if you keep playing on one certain equipment and invest a lot of cash there one way or another you will definitely win. Well, sorry to bring an end to your conviction yet this is most definitely not true! There are no premises that would support this concept. As an evidence, there are even instances when a player wins a prize after just two spins while others fail to win also after rotating the entire day. The real concept behind the pokies device is that it follows the complex theory of randomly generating numbers, and also each number stands for a certain combination of the reel.
So what's your best technique when playing pokies? To start with it is finance. Before playing, decide on how much you agree to spend. Have a certain bidding quantity and constantly, and also I mean constantly, adhere to it. Whether you win or lose do not differ your strategy. In cases when you happen to lose, do not try to maintain playing up until you win everything back since if you do, you obtain available to more losses. It is necessary that you preserve self control.
An additional equally crucial point to keep in mind is to kick back during the video game. Bear in mind, you are there for satisfaction. Once you obtain distressed, after that the major factor for having fun is lost. So, it is much better to quit, regroup, and play the next day. Try playing devices that provide totally free games, below you are under no pressure and hence you can invest a long time there till you obtain your cool back. You can not win or lose cash right here yet instead you can acquire more experience.
Australian Fruit Machine Or Pokies.
In the 1950s, an Australian company called Aristocrat established their very first one-armed bandit called the "Clubman." They modified it 2 years later on with a brand-new as well as better vending machine called the "Clubmaster." Nevertheless the first vending machine was originally created in the USA of America by a man named Charles Fey Free Pokies.
It wasn't until the 1900s when the slots lastly struck Australia. In 1956, the NSW Australian government legalized gaming machines in clubs.
The next few years provided nothing new in terms of the video game technology. They all had three spinning reels as well as either one, three or five lines. The rewards were by today's standards tiny and also the interactivity was limited to drawing the manage and also waiting for the reels to quit Australia.
It was not until the mid 1980's when the very first video ports rolled off the production lines and also were launched to the public. This was the most significant growth in video gaming given that Charles Fey had designed the very first video game. Not only did the video games have 5 reels but the likewise had many more lines as well as provided added means to win such as cost-free spin attributes as well as perk attributes.
Nowadays, you are likely to see these slot machines all over you enter Australia; from clubs to gambling establishments. They are just one of the most prominent types of betting and also enjoyment.
Pokies is a slang word in Australia for vending machine. There is no recorded day for when the term "Pokies" was first utilized in Australia. Individuals in Australia usually state points like "I'm off to the bar to play some pokies" or "I'm off to have a wager at the pokies."
Discover Pokies Online!
Pokies are frequently described as port video games. These games are tremendously prominent amongst casino players worldwide. It is mainly based upon the idea of sheer good luck and hence the requirements of winning or losing becomes uncertain. On the internet pokies are created according to the precise feel and look of land based casino sites. This game supplies hard competitors to all its gamers. Pokies online includes functions such as multi line bets, reward function games, particular gambling functions and lots of various other qualities comparable to an initial casino.
There are many advantages while selecting to play pokies online as contrasted to the land based ones. The primary reason regarding why people opt for such online poker video games is the high percentage of payouts. Typical casino site has reduced payments because they need to consider the maintenance of these casino sites. Yet on the internet pokies above expenses are incredibly low and also hence they account to high payouts. Aside from these benefits, these video games also offer particular considerable tips to the player so that he/she can make use of these reminders and also win the video game. The slot video games provide you a great chance to make money unlike any various other on-line gambling enterprise video games. A gamer does not need to break his head constantly in order to get necessary skills because it entirely relies on your luck Free Pokies.
There are different slot machines that have released several versions of these games to please the gamers. A number of these pokies games have gained immense appeal amongst people. Some of the popular ones are: Queen of the Nile, 50 Lions, Super Bucks, Wild methods and also Burial place raider.
Queen of the Nile is the very first amongst all pokies games because the moment of its launch. It features an Egyptian style and also offers cost-free video games bonus offer. Consequently 50 Lions video slot is also being extensively played among several players. It has teams which presents the top having fun lion icon on each of the reels. Wild methods includes a Wild African style with specific icons such as lions, zebras as well as elephants. In A Similar Way Super Bucks are on-line pokies games that supply a chance to pick between cost-free spin choices.
Burial place Raider is taken into consideration to be the very first brand that accredited itself to an on-line computer game slot. This video game consists of numerous features and also excellent graphics. It is a 5 reel port game with additional 2 video game bonuses. It likewise includes the function of free spin mode. These unique top quality animated graphics puts it amongst the preferred pokies on-line games.
The phenomenon of Australia and casino poker is identified with each other due to the victory of fellow Aussie Joe Hachem at the WSOP in the year 2005. His triumph has brought interest amongst people in Australia and hence has motivated them to play this sporting activity. Words "Aussie pokies" has actually been derived from it, as poker is one of the most common leisure games in Australia.
How to Wager Online With a Poker Device
Every location around the globe has its very own term for every casino site game known to guy. The same opts for poker. Online poker is known as pokies in Australia as well as, in Britain, it is labelled as slot machine. Regardless of what its name is, one thing stays the very same, casino poker has never ever fallen short to intrigue casino players specifically with its video game play that is majorly based on pure chance Free Pokies.
Nevertheless, with the coming of on-line innovation, on-line betting also entered the photo and also this was just one of the very best benefits that British gamblers experienced in their years of playing in casino sites. What deals with do these online betting sites offer? First off you get to play all type of games such as various sort of poker as well as complimentary roulette suits. Nevertheless, British gambling establishment players stop working to appreciate their very own variation of the fruit machines. This is due to the fact that most on the internet gambling establishment supplies five duplicates of the Las vega ports that have a great deal of winning lines. This kind of texas hold'em is entirely various to that of the fruit machine Australia.
Rather surprisingly, on-line betting would not simply sit down as well as let the needs of bettors pass undetected. Certainly, they would constantly get this sort of opportunity as putting up a gambling enterprise consists of needing to deal with teeth and also neck versus competitors. To do so, they need to satisfy and even go beyond the expectations of their clients. A great deal of pc gaming sites make use of Pub design replicas with the aid of Microgaming software. What this does is it assists boost the experience of playing on-line slot machine. It is capable of providing the ports specifically how a person would certainly see them in land-based gambling establishments. Furthermore, the on-line variation also has additional features such as super hold, pushes, holds, to name a few.
Restriction Your Number of Sheds
As you have fun with the on the internet variation of the video game, you would certainly notice that the functions very closely appears like that of those located in the fruit machine, the UK variation of poker. Comparable to any various other gambling enterprise video games, it is additionally based a lot on good luck. That is why among the most effective methods that a player might utilize is to stop while he is still has even more wins than losses. He must have the ability to know when to quit especially if he is on a losing streak. If, as an example, you still continue playing the video game, you run the risk of ending up bankrupt after the game Free Pokies.
Finest No Down Payment Incentive Gambling Enterprises
On the internet casino sites are getting an increasing number of prominent nowadays. They provide different rewards to their present participants as well as likewise lots of special bonuses to brand-new participants so as to draw in more gamers. These incentives are supplied on conditions that you will certainly have to stay in the play for a specified time. If you are a gambling establishment video game enthusiast as well as are looking for an on the internet gambling establishment then the most effective alternative will be to try to find no deposit perk gambling establishments.
A few of the most effective are gone over below.
Awesome Pet cat - It is among the best no deposit bonus offer gambling enterprises which is much preferred amongst game enthusiasts. If you are a new member then you will be offered a $50 no down payment bonus by the casino site. There is a maximum withdrawal limitation of $100 over which you can not withdraw the quantity at a provided time.
Silver Oak - This gambling enterprise also provides $50 to its brand-new participants. If you are looking for no down payment perk gambling enterprises then you can simply go for Silver Oak Casino whose reward quantity must be bet 40 times prior to making any withdrawal.
Custom - This gambling establishment is also consisted of in the checklist of such casinos and also provides $30 as no down payment perk to its new participants. If you experience the conditions of this on the internet casino site after that you will discover that the players are called for to gamble the bonus offer 99 times prior to they can go for any type of withdrawal. You can make a maximum withdrawal of five times the perk quantity while the minimum possible withdrawal amount is $30. The most effective thing about this casino is that the players are used extra $50 on their birthdays.
Club Player - Club Gamer is one of the popular online casinos which is just best for all on-line gambling establishment fans. It uses $65 to its new participants and also the amount should be wagered 30 times before any kind of withdrawal.
Palace of Possibility - This is once more a superb no down payment incentive online gambling enterprise which uses $50 to its brand-new participants. The quantity is offered as no down payment bonus, as used by most of the no down payment perk gambling establishments today. You are allowed a $100 optimum withdrawal that too only after the bonus amount is bet 40 times.
Sorts Of Online Casino Perks
Among the most effective factors that gamers require to on-line gaming is the suggestion of enjoying casino site incentives. While standard land-based gambling establishment perks such as complimentary drinks and dishes obviously can not fit right into the world of internet gaming, betting internet sites still take care of to draw in and compensate consumers by providing them rewarding bonus offers.
Online gamers can be forgiven for getting a little perplexed regarding all the various bonuses as well as promotions offered in the market. Besides, the buzz as well as marketing projects bordering the various type of bonus offers are enough to make any individual concern specifically what type they must benefit from and also just how much they will certainly gain from a certain promo. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that gamblers have a clear understanding of the different kinds readily available as well as make notified, educated choices regarding their options Free Pokies.
Invite Incentives
Invite bonus offers are specifically as their name suggests - a reward that invites players to a certain online gambling enterprise. Invite (or 'sign-up' rewards) are the online gambling establishment's way to draw in players onto their site as well as try their online casino. With a lot of on-line gambling establishments available, it is essential that welcome bonuses take care of to catch the player's eye with more-than-generous offers and also problems. Sometimes, players may feel that the deal is ALSO excellent to be real; nevertheless, it is certainly worth looking into every promo as a lot of websites really are using wonderful terms merely for players to experiment with their casinos. There are numerous kinds of welcome perks, both most typical being a match benefit as well as a no-deposit perk.
A match reward suggests that the online casino site will match the gamer's initial down payment by a particular percent, usually as much as a particular amount of cash. So, for example, if a site provides a 100% match bonus offer approximately $100, the gamer requires to deposit as much as $100 and will instantly be awarded with another $100 (or 100% of the first deposit) to spend at their pc gaming sessions. This is a great method of increasing one's playing time at the online casino site as well as for that reason putting oneself in line to win a lot more.
A no-deposit bonus is an extremely profitable bargain that is not supplied at all sites. Basically, gamers do not have to make any type of first down payment at the website after registering. Rather, they will instantly be rewarded with credit reports to begin their gaming session. As with all bonus offers, it is important that gamers read the conditions of these kind of promotions very carefully.
Month-to-month Incentives
As soon as players have attempted a particular online casino site with making use of the welcome rewards as well as enjoy the games and features, the opportunities are that they will certainly continue dipping into the online casino over a size of time. To make sure that gamers really do return for even more, sites reward returning consumers with generous month-to-month bonuses - so called due to the fact that they are typically offered on a monthly basis. These incentives are additionally known as reload incentives since they start when gamers reload their accounts at the online casino. The monthly benefit is normally awarded on a percent basis, as an example 20% of the amount that player spends moneying his or her account.
High-Roller Incentives
Obviously, on the internet casino sites are eager to draw in gamers that spend big quantities on their on-line pc gaming home entertainment. Thus, these gamers, called money players, are compensated additional amounts for depositing and also playing at on the internet casinos. High-stakes gamblers likewise take pleasure in one-of-a-kind promos, VIP clubs and other benefits to make their remain as satisfying and also beneficial as feasible Free Pokies.
Repayment Technique Bonuses
Great on-line gambling enterprises use a vast array of payment approaches whereby gamers can transfer as well as withdraw their funds. Some websites wish to motivate players to utilize a certain payment approach (such as Click2Pay or Moneybookers) and therefore supply gamers an extra 10 or 15% additional bonus simply for making use of these techniques.
Online Casino Site Incentives
As can be seen, there are many sorts of bonuses to choose from in the on the internet gambling enterprise industry. The technique is to learn about every one of these as long as feasible and then choose one (or numerous) that suit the gamer's specific gaming requirements and also lifestyle. In the long run, the incentive needs to offer the gamers well as well as ought to not make them invest more than they originally laid out to. When all is claimed as well as done, on-line gambling establishment benefits are among the most effective reasons to check out web video gaming.
A Quick Guide To Online Gambling Establishment Bonus Offers
One of the big attractions of on-line casinos is the various types of rewards provided by them. Remain updated concerning the selection of incentives you can anticipate when you gamble online, to make sure that you can make use of the benefits that profit you the most. Here are one of the most typical type of online gambling establishment bonuses you can anticipate.
Invite Or Sign-Up Benefit
Additionally referred to as the new player perk, the welcome or sign-up perk is the very first point you will come across and the most popular type of bonus offer. These on the internet gambling enterprise perks are usually additional set apart into percentage, no-deposit, or match rewards.
* Suit perks are the most common sort of on-line casino incentive where you obtain one debt for each credit scores you acquire. This is usually a 100 percent benefit on your very first acquisition with a restriction of $100. This bonus might differ as well as it is not mandatory to spend the $100. Most online gambling establishments enable you to purchase a minimal $20 to make you eligible for the match benefit Free Pokies.
* The percent bonus is anything more than 100 percent and provides you 200 percent or 300 percent. Almost all casino benefits are similar to percent perks, no matter whether they take place to be suit or portion Australia.
* The no-deposit benefit is certainly the most preferred bonus offer. It can be cost-free cash in the kind of cost-free gambling establishment credit reports that are included in your gaming account when you subscribe and free play online casino where you obtain a complimentary newbie's equilibrium. You can maintain any kind of earnings that surpass this quantity.
Reload Bonus
A reload bonus offer is offered to get you to keep reloading your account as well as remain to wager online. It is generally comparable to the welcome or sign-up incentive as well as offers a 100 percent pair up. This may be on a monthly, once a week, or day-to-day basis, relying on which on-line gambling establishment you are playing.
Down Payment Method Perk
When you pick a specific down payment method with a casino-usually your credit card or an on-line repayment provider-to fund your gaming account, you obtain a deposit approach reward. This can be in the series of 5 percent to 15 percent, and also is independent of other rewards you get Australia.
High Roller Bonus Offer
A deposit of $1,000 or more receives a money player perk and also ranges from 25 percent to half Australia.
Loyalty Rewards
Loyalty bonuses are used by on-line casino sites as Players Club bonus offers as well as special acquisition bonuses.
* The Players Club perk is typically called a player rewards or "compensation" reward as well as involves accumulating factors based on your on the internet casino games wagers. This is typically set aside as one factor per $10 bet. When you gather 1,000 factors, you can retrieve them in United States dollars in casino site debts. Most gambling establishments enroll you in the casino site players club by default. It is, nonetheless, far better to confirm.
* The special purchase benefit is a deposit bonus offer used to players that have actually already made a deposit. This might be in the kind of a match perk, portion incentive, or a no-deposit reward.
Proceed and also discover a trusted online gambling establishment that fits you and begin your gaming by seeking a no-deposit gambling enterprise reward.
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Online Vegas Slots Of course, not all of us will be able to fly over to Las Vegas to play some of the lucrative casino slot games that are available. However, the advancements in technology means that you will be able to play on some of the most popular slots on Vegas sites such as Caesars and MGM. To get the highest payout, you must play slots with the best odds of winning. Instead of wasting your time trying to figure out which slot machine is ready to pay, just sign up to a best paying slot machines casino. Some players think top payout slot machines are in Las Vegas only, well that is not the case. It is not common where casinos in Las Vegas will show what the odds are for their slots offerings. However, in looking at the best casino in Vegas to win some of the solid ones will show that their slots have a great 98% payback. Other slots with a higher payout are Monopoly Big Event and Ohh Ahh Dracula, with 99%. If you prefer the atmosphere and excitement of real casinos, here are the best paying slot machines for you. If you come across any IGT slot machines in casinos, know that they are a safe bet. Where to Play the Best Las Vegas Slot Machines. This article wouldn’t be complete without an overview of which Las Vegas casinos are best for slots players. There’s no doubt that you’ll have plenty of choice in Las Vegas, but you’ll find that these casinos offer the best slots in town. The Bellagio Others have looser slots (games with a higher RTP). Here’s my list of the seven best casinos for slots in Las Vegas. 1 – Aria. Aria Resort & Casino is one of the most luxurious properties on the Las Vegas Strip, and it also has one of the biggest slot machine areas anywhere in the city. MGM Grand Las Vegas — MGM Grand is known for a vast selection of progressive slots that are believed to be lucky, as this venue has paid out some of the largest jackpots. Aria Resort and Casino — Aria Casino owns the award of the Best Casino for Slots by CNN Travel. As evidenced above, the best places around Las Vegas to play slots are the Boulder Area (6.10% casino win percentage) and North Las Vegas (7.24% win percentage). In an abnormal twist, slots were slightly tighter in 2020 downtown (8.24% win percentage) than on the Strip (7.95% win percentage). Megabucks offers some of the best slots in Vegas with the highest winnings. In 2014, a man playing a Megabucks slot machine in Rampart Casino hit a $14 million jackpot after playing for five minutes on a $20 bill when the slot paid off. This payout is not the only one from a Megabucks machine. According to Andrea’s “The Truth Behind Slot Machine Payouts,” “...the casino nearest to offering loose slots in Las Vegas is Palms resort, which has an average games payout percentage of 93.42%” According to Slot Machine Hang, some of the loosest slots can be found at the Fiesta Rancho, the Palms, Boulder Station, El Cortez, Union Plaza, Sam’s Town and Texas Station.

best payout slots in las vegas top

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